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Forums - Sony Discussion - Washington Times: Sony doing all in its power to “hinder” PS3

Sony is in a tough spot with the PS3 right now, but I do not at all believe it is doomed. Discontinuing the PS3 now would most likely be a bad move, as I would think it is set to be profitable in the near future. They have missed the chance to be number 1, but they can still aim for number 2.

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HappySqurriel said:
cura said:
hm, Sony discontinuing the PS3 in early 2009? sounds a little extreme to me. In fact, it sounds outlandish and absurd to be honest, especially when considering that many PS3 exlusives are already well into development.

In all seriousness though, unless you understand the internal workings of Sony and the SCE division and their current financial situation then anything you say is pretty much uninformed and therefore likely to be off the mark (or in this case downright crazy).

What is it about the PS3 that makes people so inclined to write threads like these? Is it because a journalist in the Washington Times that doesn't think the PS3 brand is doing too well? He/she likely knows as much about the internal workings and current financial situation of Sony as the next person - i.e. squat all.

Is it about the 'lower than expected sales?' Just because the PS3 is selling just under/over half the 360 sales does that automatically entail that the PS3 is doomed? So doomed in fact that they will have to terminate the PS3? Again, inferring that the PS3 is doomed because of its low sales is a slight exaggeration don't you think?

Anyway, for the record Sony have already said that they are content to let the PS3 sell as it is and adopt a more aggressive sales strategy later on.


Except that a more agressive sales strategy later on is unlikely to change much ...

Whether or not people accept it, articles like this are a very bad sign for a console because they help shape uninformed consumers' opinions of products. Heading into Christmas 2008, a lot of people will see articles like this on Google News or another news aggregator and start thinking "There is no way I'm going to spend $400 on a system that is struggling and may be discontinued in 12 months."

The result of that kind of thinking is that the system struggles through the holiday season, gets destroyed in sales, and news stories about holiday sales restate the same opinions about how poor the system's future is and re-enforce people's opinions about the system. After years of this, it doesn't matter whether the system is $99 and it has the 100+ best games available for it because people will "Know" that the system is overpriced, unpopular, and will soon be discontinued.

When it comes to consoles, if you can't sell your system today you won't be able to sell it tomorow.

If microsoft were able to overtake Sony in sales then why is the reverse not possible? Also, to my knowledge, the significant increase in xbox360 sales occurred just after the  price cuts (at least here in Australia anyway). If price cuts were able to increase sales for the xbox360, I don't see why a sales drop could not do something similar for the PS3.

um, at least here in Australia people take journalism (especialy opinion pieces which this is) with a grain of salt. Also, we're unlikely to ever know just what effect articles like this will have on potential consumers.

To be honest, I don't think you are an expert, and neither am I but one of the points that I alluded to in my previous post was that there is no here who is knowledgeable about the current internal situation of Sony and the SCE division, and therefore all comments about the likely future of the PS3 can be regarded as speculation. There have been no posts so far that by their content suggest they have been made by someone who is knowledgeable about Sony's current predicament and can therefore give an informed opinion. Though as it seems everyone has an opinion I don't see the dissemination of misinformation ceasing, however, I did want to flag the issue of validity (aka accuracy) in regards to peoples' opinions.


jacezo said:

Are you retarded?! Did you say they may release the ps4 when the ps3 has only been out for 2 years and I dont really think the PS4 is even in development . . . actually seeing that the ps3 isnt doing to well it probably already is.

Jacezo, all console successors are at least in roundtable planning stages after every launch.  They look @ the mobo, chipsets,  new tech available and what would be viable 5-6 years down the line.


Sony won't dump the PS3, the majority of loses on the system have already been incurred and launching another system would result in the loss of even more money.

The smart thing to do would be to keep the system price high but start bundling it like crazy. Make new bundles with 4-5 games rather than reduce the price next year. Since games cost significantly less than systems to produce (since Sony's already paid for the development). This way you'll hold on to a segment of the market without bleeding even more money. Selling off a lot of its studio assets would also be a good idea, given PS3 and PSP first party game sales a lot of them are probably money pits at the moment, third party support (MGS4, GTA4, COD4,) seem to be driving sales anyhow.

NJ5 said:
Khuutra said:
Louie said:
Guys, why exactly should Sony cancel the Ps3? Sure they are going to lose money on it but Microsoft lost much more on the original Xbox and I guess the PS3's sales as a Blu-Ray player make somewhat up for it.

I highly doubt they are going to cancel it. That would be much more expensive in the end.

Did they? I would be interested in seeing the numbers on that!

They seem about tied to me considering that the PS2 and PSP were contributing during the PS3 era. Both fiascos seem to have cost around $4 billion.


I would hardly call the xbox entering an console market a fiasco. It was a calculated gamble on their part and judging from how well the 360 is doing this gen, it paid off.

Sony's got a fiasoco. From ps2 dominating consoles last gen to a dominating 3rd place this generation.


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ymeaga1n said:
NJ5 said:
Khuutra said:
Louie said:
Guys, why exactly should Sony cancel the Ps3? Sure they are going to lose money on it but Microsoft lost much more on the original Xbox and I guess the PS3's sales as a Blu-Ray player make somewhat up for it.

I highly doubt they are going to cancel it. That would be much more expensive in the end.

Did they? I would be interested in seeing the numbers on that!

They seem about tied to me considering that the PS2 and PSP were contributing during the PS3 era. Both fiascos seem to have cost around $4 billion.


I would hardly call the xbox entering an console market a fiasco. It was a calculated gamble on their part and judging from how well the 360 is doing this gen, it paid off.

Sony's got a fiasoco. From ps2 dominating consoles last gen to a dominating 3rd place this generation.


MSFT expected to take a loss on the Xbox.  It was an entry console only and it fulfilled its life as a stopgap to the Xbox 360.


The Washington Times recently gave too much credence to a bogus lawsuit claiming the Pres.-elect Obama was not a native-born citizen and thus not eligible to be president.

As far as I know, it is still owned by the Unification Church (Rev. Moon -- whose followers were called Moonies in the 1970s/80s and considered cultists). That has always given some people pause (I have even heard stories that to advance at the paper, you had to join the church - but that was when I worked in newspapers -- and actually free-lanced for the Washington Times) -- 15-20 years ago.

My point is ... consider the source.

The PS3 is not going anywhere. It is not disappearing. It is probably not going to make it out of third place. But Sony won't abandon the format because they cannot afford to do so.

The take away points from the column are (1) most people don't realize that BR-DVD players upscale standard disks and (2) there is an upper bound as to how much people truly care about how their movies on TV look (or are willing to pay for it to look).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


reask said:
NJ5 said:
JGarret said:
People keep asking for Sony to drop BD, yet all PS3 games are on Blu-Ray.

The only way to ditch BD would be to make a PS3 based on downloading games, but it would have to include a huge hard drive, at least 500 GB. I wonder how much the BD drive really costs nowadays as opposed to one of these hard drives.



I actually think they will go back to dvd format like the 360.


OK they might take flak for a while but with brand name and possibly a few sweet exclusives it wont really matter.


Remember Sony still have 120 million PS2 owners who might sign up much quicker to a cheaper console that can match the 360.

But, most of those owners bought a PS2 when it was dirt cheap. Look at the numbers - folks are still buying PS2s. And they will keep buying the console. If you have a huge PS2 game library, there's only one show in town that plays PS2 games - yeah, the PS2. Those owners have no reason whatsoever to upgrade to a system that doesn't play their PS2 games. That's why the 360 is gaining. It pretty much offers the same HD experience as a PS3 for much, much cheaper. You can buy two 360s for the price of 1 PS3. Sales are NOT generated by osmosis.


Louie said:
Guys, why exactly should Sony cancel the Ps3? Sure they are going to lose money on it but Microsoft lost much more on the original Xbox and I guess the PS3's sales as a Blu-Ray player make somewhat up for it.

I highly doubt they are going to cancel it. That would be much more expensive in the end.


Well, cancelling the PS3 (and I agree that that would mean the complete division, maybe minus PSP) would save Sony loads and loads of money. They can sell most of their development houses (they have a lot) and keep the profitable ftranchises (like GT and GoW) which will get the company massively in the black.

The PS3 done its job as the device that deliverd the victory against HD-DVD, without the loss making SCE division there would be much more liquidity to fund the HD battle versus formidable competitors like Philips and Samsung.

I DON'T THINK THIS WILL HAPPEN, but you asked why they would to it. There are definitely benefits for Sony to kill SCE. That Microsoft lost more on the Xbox is irrelevant. MS has always had a much better balance sheet and their goal for the Xbox wasn't profit, but a way into the livingroom. Not to mention thatXbxo didn't cost anywhere near the insane 3 billion + Sony has lost so far on the PS3. (All the profits of the PS2 - the most successfull console ever - gone in just 2 years).


DMeisterJ said:
I feel like we've gone back in time.

Does anyone else get the eeriest form of Deja Vu from like eighteen months ago?

Sorry, my furry friend, but I don't think anyone is going to fall for your post.

OT: I am amazed at one thing - the sheer number of recent news about Sony's *pending* demise. The power of the media is no joke!