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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 or Fallout 3?

okay, i'm startin' to lean towards fallout, but does the game offer more than one save file? Can I have multiple characters at a single time?



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i would go with fable 2. i really loved that game. there is so much to do. the main quest is kind of short but there is so much to do and they have just announced aa few expansions for it

bodhi14 said:
okay, i'm startin' to lean towards fallout, but does the game offer more than one save file? Can I have multiple characters at a single time?


You can have as many save files as you want in Fallout 3.

I gotta tell you that I find Fallout 3 really atmospheric and scary at the point where you feel your heartbeat beating fast..Because of this I haven't gotten very far in the game.. >.>

Fallout 3 1st, but you definately have to own Fable 2 as well. I would rank them about equally but I think Fallout 3s side quests are better whilst I found the gameplay in Fable 2 to be a little more engaging.

Overall if I had to rank them it would go

1. Fallout 3 (Personal game of the year)
2. Fable 2 (2nd best game I played all year)

So I think either way you'll be happy.


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Fable 2, the environments in fallout 3 were really bland and repetitive plus the main story sucked.

id say fallout 3 by a landslide its way bigger much more to explore and idk why but fable II highly disappointed me granted u may not feel the same as i did but imo fallout 3 was just a much better game overall

piggychan said:

I gotta tell you that I find Fallout 3 really atmospheric and scary at the point where you feel your heartbeat beating fast..Because of this I haven't gotten very far in the game.. >.>

It does have its creepy moments. The feral ghouls gave me Condemned: Criminal Origins flashbacks.

although after a while the environments did seem bland and repetetive like flagship says... but at first even that part is amazing

piggychan said:

I gotta tell you that I find Fallout 3 really atmospheric and scary at the point where you feel your heartbeat beating fast..Because of this I haven't gotten very far in the game.. >.>


 just try going through the subways...