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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Console are you getting FFXIII for

Getting it for the PS3 as its looking like if i want to experience the whole "Fabula Nova Crystallis" i need to be in with Sony for it plus it comes out in Japan before the US and EU so ill have it before the rest. :P

Versus XIII - PS3 only (ATM)
Agito XIII - PSP

Cant wait. :D

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Im getting XIII for 360 for achievements and Versus on PS3, cause, well, thats what its on.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

If you have a PS3 why wouldnt you get it for PS3. It is being optimized for PS3 got to get that native 1080! Plus i dont want 4 disks!

Gatorgamer88 said:
If you have a PS3 why wouldnt you get it for PS3. It is being optimized for PS3 got to get that native 1080! Plus i dont want 4 disks!

I do. Thats another reason I'm getting the 360 version; when it has that many discs I feel(for some reason) like I'm getting more for money. The optimization thing is a reason I may buy the PS3 version, I can see the 360 versions having framerate problems or something for being a quick port to make money.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

PS3 version of course, death to multiple discs.


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I'm not getting a console for FFXIII. I already have a PS3, so I'm getting XIII and XIIIvs for PS3.

4 ≈ One


even if there's an online component, my friends that have the xbox360 are more into fps so there's no draw for me to get it on that console. i just like using my ps3 more than my xbox360.



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Xbox 360

Gamerscore and 360 controller feel way more natural for me.
My PS3 is for exclusives only.


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