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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yes another HOME thread, but a different take more than "its good/it sucks"

So as everyone already knows by now HOME is out. Now I don't care if you think it sucks or if it's good. What I would like to know is what you would do to improve home?

I wish you could zoom in to first person in home. This would allow you to be able to focus on who you want to talk to. All the avatars look the same from so far away. Zooming in would allow you to see more detail. This would then give the avatars more personality and individuality. And I don't know but when socializing visuals help out. Seeing a face of the person I'm talking to would help socializing for me.

Bowling, bubble pop, pool, arcade games, chess these need a queue. If they don't have a solution to make more lanes availble when filled then why not rotate with people who want to play? This will also randomize who you play with and you might socialize with a random person (IMAGINE THAT! exactly what HOME is for)

When in queue for chess you should be able to watch the games that are being played by sittin in the two chairs next to the table that are open.... (Or at least first person view will allow you to be able to see it better) I specify chess because I don't want to watch balls rolling down a lane knocking pins... but chess I would watch.

Activities.... I'm sure SONY plans on having activities but they need something more than the dance party. They need like a... geez I'm having a brain fart can't think of the name for this activity but when someone says it i'm gonna feel stupid... you get a list of clues and you find the items from the clues... or something that you need to socialize to complete the activity... And to get people to play these games they need to reward the people. First place gets a new HOME or a PSN game download.

walk/sprint/jog option. (self explanitory)

A target button! Dare god one thing that upset me was when I was trying to push X for a pool table to to watch the screen a box would pop up for people around me when I didn't want that.

So what are your guys thoughts? Do you have any thing you'd like SONY to do with HOME to improve it? What are they? (I had more but me trying to think of that games name for so long made me forget some)

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I like the out doors,its cool,also in the plaza the big screen movies should be playing on the big screen,im sure they will be.

I like how it plays some dance music,thats really cool and makes the place feel alive,i think all places should be playing PS3 comericals or at least some music,ya know to feel alive.

Being able to walk down by the docks (Not sure where its at)would be cool,and even buy a boat.

Also to add some birds flying over head would really be cool.

Actually, you can kind of watch a chess match, when looking at the table, the pieces move and even make a sound when somebody else is playing. There should be a closer view though.

Honestly? They should make a currency system that you can kind of pay with trophies... like... you know each trophy is worth some points, they should make it give you some points as a currency too and you should be able to use it to buy stuff but without losing your trophy.

And a donation system. Someday, i'll turn my mic on, sit on the middle of somewhere with a lot of people, grab my (real) guitar and sing just for fun, like those guys on the street :), would be cool if i could ask for money too lol

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

i like it too,

While I hate the idea of this tripe bullshit, there are ways to make it cool.

-Make shit free. Play old Sony movies in a theatre. Make people join and watch at a certain time in the theatre. Costs virtually nothing to implement, it can be automated. If no one uses it, who gives a rat's ass? It fleshes out the world.
- Put down quarters to play pool. It's silly, but it makes it real. Challenge others and queue up against people you don't know.
- Running. I mean, c'mon. We're not here to look at the scenery, we're here to move (which is my biggest problem with Home itself, but that's another conversation).
- Guilds/clans. They need to have dedicated space. Think of halls in Star Wars Galaxies. If you're going to make Home for gamers, cater to them. The message boards and whatnot exist but there needs to be specialized space for the collected gamers, something XBL sorely lacks.

I still think Home is a shit idea but if Sony stopped being such fucking idiots about it and made it for gamers and the general population, they'd had something to work with in the future. As it stands now, it's Second Life for mouth-breathers.

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rocketpig said:
While I hate the idea of this tripe bullshit, there are ways to make it cool.

-Make shit free. Play old Sony movies in a theatre. Make people join and watch at a certain time in the theatre. Costs virtually nothing to implement, it can be automated. If no one uses it, who gives a rat's ass? It fleshes out the world.
- Put down quarters to play pool. It's silly, but it makes it real. Challenge others and queue up against people you don't know.
- Running. I mean, c'mon. We're not here to look at the scenery, we're here to move (which is my biggest problem with Home itself, but that's another conversation).
- Guilds/clans. They need to have dedicated space. Think of halls in Star Wars Galaxies. If you're going to make Home for gamers, cater to them. The message boards and whatnot exist but there needs to be specialized space for the collected gamers, something XBL sorely lacks.

I still think Home is a shit idea but if Sony stopped being such fucking idiots about it and made it for gamers and the general population, they'd had something to work with in the future. As it stands now, it's Second Life for mouth-breathers.


 I think sony would have to get special licenses for online gambling (which is what your pool idea is) and I don't think it would be worth it to SONY. Movie would be nice in the theatre and so would the special "home" for clans.... I heard it takes money to make a clan and someone said it would be monthly. I would actually make a "vgchartz" clan if it weren't for the monthly payment idea. a place where vgchartz people could meet and read messages on the leagues and trpphies on a bulletin board. It would be pretty sweet then... (can you join more than one clan?)

Oh a place where only 18+ people could enter would be awesome! They could have many possibilities then

Max King of the Wild said:
rocketpig said:
While I hate the idea of this tripe bullshit, there are ways to make it cool.

-Make shit free. Play old Sony movies in a theatre. Make people join and watch at a certain time in the theatre. Costs virtually nothing to implement, it can be automated. If no one uses it, who gives a rat's ass? It fleshes out the world.
- Put down quarters to play pool. It's silly, but it makes it real. Challenge others and queue up against people you don't know.
- Running. I mean, c'mon. We're not here to look at the scenery, we're here to move (which is my biggest problem with Home itself, but that's another conversation).
- Guilds/clans. They need to have dedicated space. Think of halls in Star Wars Galaxies. If you're going to make Home for gamers, cater to them. The message boards and whatnot exist but there needs to be specialized space for the collected gamers, something XBL sorely lacks.

I still think Home is a shit idea but if Sony stopped being such fucking idiots about it and made it for gamers and the general population, they'd had something to work with in the future. As it stands now, it's Second Life for mouth-breathers.


 I think sony would have to get special licenses for online gambling (which is what your pool idea is) and I don't think it would be worth it to SONY. Movie would be nice in the theatre and so would the special "home" for clans.... I heard it takes money to make a clan and someone said it would be monthly. I would actually make a "vgchartz" clan if it weren't for the monthly payment idea. a place where vgchartz people could meet and read messages on the leagues and trpphies on a bulletin board. It would be pretty sweet then... (can you join more than one clan?)

Oh a place where only 18+ people could enter would be awesome! They could have many possibilities then

No, the pool idea is linked to bar life... The "quarters" aren't real, they're just there to put your place in line. No gambling.

As for clan/guild support, that's bullshit. If you're going to make this Second Life crap free, make it free. If you're going to charge, I'll just continue rocking XBL - and so will most other people.

Hosted websites (outside Home with their own URL a la Myspace home pages), message boards, meetings, etc, that will drive Home to prominence.

This half-assed shit by Sony just ain't going to cut it. They're trying to make Home into a Second Life for gamers and earn advertising from it yet they still want to charge users who bought their console the ability to organize.

Yeah, that's how you build a strong community. XBL may not be free but everyone recognizes it. When you get into microtransactions for random bullshit, you lose all ability to maintain a base. People walk in thinking it's free and then realize it ain't. Believe it or not but that's actually a bigger turnoff than realizing you have to pay from the beginning.

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They should add a gym.

I'd love to see alot of 3rd party areas but then again 3rd party devs will be "Going B3yond" later down the line anyway so... and user created content such as cloths and stuff via some sort of dev kit @ a cost, sort of like S2L and IMVU, that'd be badass in HD.

There alot more i'd like to add but im far to lazy at the moment ^_~

KylieDog said:
I would like the ability to punch people, as well as buy guns and shoot them, I would also like them to add cars which you can steal, and perhaps add a few ramps you could drive over and fly through the air in slow motion with, we should be able to buy multiple properties, and perhaps go treasure hunting for a hidden package of some sort, a few missions wouldn't be bad either.


 Does such a thing exist?