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While I hate the idea of this tripe bullshit, there are ways to make it cool.

-Make shit free. Play old Sony movies in a theatre. Make people join and watch at a certain time in the theatre. Costs virtually nothing to implement, it can be automated. If no one uses it, who gives a rat's ass? It fleshes out the world.
- Put down quarters to play pool. It's silly, but it makes it real. Challenge others and queue up against people you don't know.
- Running. I mean, c'mon. We're not here to look at the scenery, we're here to move (which is my biggest problem with Home itself, but that's another conversation).
- Guilds/clans. They need to have dedicated space. Think of halls in Star Wars Galaxies. If you're going to make Home for gamers, cater to them. The message boards and whatnot exist but there needs to be specialized space for the collected gamers, something XBL sorely lacks.

I still think Home is a shit idea but if Sony stopped being such fucking idiots about it and made it for gamers and the general population, they'd had something to work with in the future. As it stands now, it's Second Life for mouth-breathers.

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