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So as everyone already knows by now HOME is out. Now I don't care if you think it sucks or if it's good. What I would like to know is what you would do to improve home?

I wish you could zoom in to first person in home. This would allow you to be able to focus on who you want to talk to. All the avatars look the same from so far away. Zooming in would allow you to see more detail. This would then give the avatars more personality and individuality. And I don't know but when socializing visuals help out. Seeing a face of the person I'm talking to would help socializing for me.

Bowling, bubble pop, pool, arcade games, chess these need a queue. If they don't have a solution to make more lanes availble when filled then why not rotate with people who want to play? This will also randomize who you play with and you might socialize with a random person (IMAGINE THAT! exactly what HOME is for)

When in queue for chess you should be able to watch the games that are being played by sittin in the two chairs next to the table that are open.... (Or at least first person view will allow you to be able to see it better) I specify chess because I don't want to watch balls rolling down a lane knocking pins... but chess I would watch.

Activities.... I'm sure SONY plans on having activities but they need something more than the dance party. They need like a... geez I'm having a brain fart can't think of the name for this activity but when someone says it i'm gonna feel stupid... you get a list of clues and you find the items from the clues... or something that you need to socialize to complete the activity... And to get people to play these games they need to reward the people. First place gets a new HOME or a PSN game download.

walk/sprint/jog option. (self explanitory)

A target button! Dare god one thing that upset me was when I was trying to push X for a pool table to to watch the screen a box would pop up for people around me when I didn't want that.

So what are your guys thoughts? Do you have any thing you'd like SONY to do with HOME to improve it? What are they? (I had more but me trying to think of that games name for so long made me forget some)