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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - is it me or is lost odyssey hard?

Cast all-shield with your quickest mage (probably Sarah) and have Cooke and Jansen cast Cover on Seth, Kaim. Next turn cast Zephyr with Sarah and if you want cast Cover to the rest to be sure, otherwise cast Winda with Jansen, Cooke on different rough servants and have Kaim, Seth attack the frenzied rough servant. If Cover lasts, you could cast Minda with Sarah to Cooke. Once the enemy GC falls to lvl1 use Winda with your mages and regular attacks with Seth, Kaim on the Rough Queen and she will be dead.

Skills that Kaim, Seth could have are Angel Heart, Defense Boost, Wall, Counter, Attack Boost, Guard Heal. Sarah should have learned the highest level of all magics available at this point and their skills equipped as well as casting reduce time and mental stability. Have Cooke equipped with the highest black/white magic lvl accessory. Jansen could be equipped with the highest spirit magic lvl accessory so that he has access to Minda, Powera.

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It's really one of the easiest RPGs I've ever played in my life. The first two bosses are difficult, but then again, they're bosses. They're supposed to be hard. You're supposed to raise your levels beforehand and prepare with the right equipment. I beat the first two bosses within 2 tries each, and I was below the recommended levels. The rest of the game is incredibly easy when you have your overpowered immortals, magic spells, and ultimate weapons. Hell, the secret bosses were so laughable that they might as well have not even had achievements for beating them. Then again, maybe I wasn't playing the game correctly. After all, the grinding spots were easy to find and I was often "overleveled."



MontanaHatchet said:
It's really one of the easiest RPGs I've ever played in my life. The first two bosses are difficult, but then again, they're bosses. They're supposed to be hard. You're supposed to raise your levels beforehand and prepare with the right equipment. I beat the first two bosses within 2 tries each, and I was below the recommended levels. The rest of the game is incredibly easy when you have your overpowered immortals, magic spells, and ultimate weapons. Hell, the secret bosses were so laughable that they might as well have not even had achievements for beating them. Then again, maybe I wasn't playing the game correctly. After all, the grinding spots were easy to find and I was often "overleveled."

We must have played different games.  Some of the bosses in LO really tried me.  Getting to the final boss was by not mean easing for me.


The thing is that there are level caps, so you can't be too overpowered, but I did find myself fully levelled up the whole time

this game is a cakewalk

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Ari_Gold said:
this game is a cakewalk


You still haven't finished it ^ ^

(but you are pretty close T_T)

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

i know huh , i've been postponing it for months

you should take on those optional bosses then.. the blue dragon, Holy Beast, Persona.. they were tough but not that tough.. :P

These are other optional bosses but I didn't find these too taxing.

King Kelolon, Cave Worm, Ghost of Eastern Ruins, King Kelolon, Golden Knight

hmm this thread made me go watch that sad scene near the end of disc 1

Ari_Gold said:
i know huh , i've been postponing it for months


If you want a challenge, try the fighting league... it throws at you encounters much harder than anything else you'll find in the game. I still gotta go back to finish up the heavy class and have a shot at the immortal.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

i will fight the optional bosses and the fighting leagues, i'm aiming for 1000/1000, i plan to finish this game before christmas. I hope you guys are right and it gets challenging.