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Cast all-shield with your quickest mage (probably Sarah) and have Cooke and Jansen cast Cover on Seth, Kaim. Next turn cast Zephyr with Sarah and if you want cast Cover to the rest to be sure, otherwise cast Winda with Jansen, Cooke on different rough servants and have Kaim, Seth attack the frenzied rough servant. If Cover lasts, you could cast Minda with Sarah to Cooke. Once the enemy GC falls to lvl1 use Winda with your mages and regular attacks with Seth, Kaim on the Rough Queen and she will be dead.

Skills that Kaim, Seth could have are Angel Heart, Defense Boost, Wall, Counter, Attack Boost, Guard Heal. Sarah should have learned the highest level of all magics available at this point and their skills equipped as well as casting reduce time and mental stability. Have Cooke equipped with the highest black/white magic lvl accessory. Jansen could be equipped with the highest spirit magic lvl accessory so that he has access to Minda, Powera.