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Forums - Sales Discussion - All right, the year's almost over.. so

I'm happy with my HW prodictions. I just really hope that the PS3 HW numbers will rise.

4 ≈ One

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OMG Benga Benga said

MGS4 won't sell more than 2 Million!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


My Predictions from last year: (with comments)

1. End of year 08 sales:
Wii = 44.2m  (A bit low, but not too bad)
X360 = 25.8m (a bit low, but also not too bad)
PS3 = 21.2m (oops)

2. End of Year 08 Prices
Wii = $250 (Check)
X360 = $229/$279/$329 (too high for arcade, to low for pro/elite)
PS3 = $300/$400 (oops again)

3. PS3 will pass the XBox360 in "Others" before fall (WRONG)
4. The Wii will continue to sell out until at least summer. (Correct)
5. Wii will impossible to find AGAIN next Christmas, despite increased production. (Another correct, on a roll)
6. PS3 will outsell the X360 in 08 by at least 1M units. (Doh!)
7. Wii Sports, Wii Play, SSBB, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing Wii (if released) will all finish in in the top 10 for the year. No Wii 3rd party game will make the top 20. (AC released to late, otherwise, not bad)
8. Killzone2 will be outsold by Nintendogs in 08. (CORRECT)
9. Blu-ray will finally officially beat HD-DVD, but consumers will continue to not care. (correct)
10. PS3 Home will be very buggy at launch, but will actually be well received and enjoyable. Microsoft will announce their own virtual world for XBox 360 to be released in 09.  (Too soon to tell)
11. PS3 will have at least 4 new hardware versions. X360 at least 3. Wii will have one (to add DVD movie support) (I lost count )


kowenicki said:
WiiStation360 said:

Here is the "official"  2008 prediction thread from last year.  Lots of good, and not so good predictions for 2008.


 so many deluded PS3 predictions in there.... most of the posters no longer being regulars here...


You can find something like "You people HATE THE PLAYSTATION 3." on a few pages and mostly by the same user, priceless...

The source comments:

  • That means I expect PS3 to reach 21 million in sellthrough in 2008 - with about 23.5 million shipped worldwide.
  • December accompanies stunning sales - 7 million - and Wii hits 44.5 million in sell through, and 48 million in shipments.
  • December will be 3000k - bringing lifetime Xbox 360 sales to 27.4 million worldwide, and 30 million shipped.  Without two price drops, I see Xbox 360 sales topping out in the 25 million range in sell through, and about 27.5 million shipped worldwide.

List made by Stever89:


Mnementh predicts:


Hardware after 2008:
DS - 90m
PSP - 39m
Wii - 44m
XBOX360 - 24m
PS3 - 18m



BengaBenga predicts:


End of year 2008:
Wii: 40 M
360: 23 M
PS3: 17 M



Avinash_Tyagi predicts:


Wii will surpass 45 million, and have 50% marketshare, thus the PS3+360 < 45 million

Note: Not direct quote

Then later predicts:

Wii-46 Million
360-22 million
PS3-17 million



RolStoppable predicts:


End of year 2008:

  • DS - 95m
  • PSP - 38m
  • Wii - 45m
  • 360 - 24m
  • PS3 - 18m
But we all know he meant Wii - 30 million because he lost faith in the Wii. And I will never let him forget it.


Bladeneo predicts:


End of the year:
Wii: 36-40 Mil
DS: Hell knows what this little bastard is capable of; 98 mil
PSP: 35-40 mil
360: 24 mil
PS3: 18-20 mil



ethomaz predicts:


My predictions: end of the 2008:

Wii: 30M
360: 22M
PS3: 25M



ps3unleashed predicts:


Year end:
Wii-31 million sold
xbox360-22 million sold
ps3-24 million sold (if the hit games do good)



i love xbox 360 predicts:


Year end:
wii- 35 million
360- 26 million
ps3-17 million



josenieves1 predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 45.5 million
360 - 26 million
PS3 - 17 million



Garcian Smith predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 40 million
360 - 22 million
PS3 - 17 million



thetonestarr predicts:


year end:
Wii-46 Million
360-22 million
PS3-17 million



endurance predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 50 million
360 - 22 million
PS3 - 16 million



FireWater predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 40 million
360 - 21 million
PS3 - 18 million



davygee predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 32 million
360 - 23.3 million
PS3 - 19.5 million



Branko2166 predicts:


End of 08 sales
wii-33 million
x-360- 24 million
ps3- 21 million



KillerMan predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 42milj.
Xbox 360 - 23.5milj.
PS3 - 19.5milj.



Dryden predicts:


360 - 23-25 million
PS3 - 18-20 million
Wii - 40-45 million



Gamerace predicts:


year end:
Wii - 45m
360 - 24m
PS3 - 18m



zaphodile predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 38 million
PS3 - 19 million
360 - 28 million



jjseth predicts:


Year end:
Wii- 38-40 million
360- 23-25 million
PS3- 20-24 million



Astrodust predicts:


Total end of year sales 
Wii 53 million, 
PS3 19 million, 
360 26 million



Cyper1980 predicts:



Year end predictions
Wii 40m
Xbox 25m
PS3 17m



carlos710 predicts:


Hardware after 08:
Wii: 50m
x360: 25m
ps3: 21m



kitler53 predicts:


by end of 2008: 



CrazzyMan predicts:


Year end:
Wii: 32-37,5M
PS3: 24M
360: 23,5M



Peter Potamus predicts:


2008 totals (estimated LTD by Stever89):
Wii- 20 million (40 million)
PS3 - 12 million (21 million)
360 - 10 million (27 million)



Soriku predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 42 mil
PS3 - 21 mil
360 - 30 mil



Mummelmann predicts:


End of 08:
Wii: 35 million
360: 24 million
PS3: 22 million
DS: 83 million
PSP: 38 million



Spectrumglr predicts:


Year end Sales:

  • Wii: 41M
  • X360: 28M
  • PS3: 22M




FinalEvangelion predicts:


End of 08

Wii - 35 Mil.
X360 - 25 Mil.
PS3 - 19 Mil.



ManderDilligaf predicts:


Year end:

Wii: 32 m
Xbox360: 24 m
Ps3: 15 m



Rath predicts:


Oh and end of '08.

Wii - 42M
360 - 22M
PS3 - 18M
DS - 100M (I just had to call it)

No idea for the PSP to be honest.



Rugger08 predicts:



By end of 2008:
Wii 48-50 million
Xbox 360 26 million
PS3 18 million



PDF predicts:


Year end:
PS3: 20M



dschumm predicts:


Year end:
Wii - 40.5million
PS3 - 22 million
360 - 22.5 million



TheSource makes himself known and predicts that at least one of the big three will announce hardware shipments through December, with an updated shipment forecast. He was right. He wins this thread, though what he meant to say was "Nintendo will come out at the end of the year and say "We kicked butt and took names, and now we're going to up our forecast AGAIN."



joora predicts:


End of 08:

Wii = 47m
PS3 = 20m
x360 = 23m



Joemanji predicts:


Consoles sold at the end of 2008 predictions

Wii: 48 million
PS3: 20.5 million
Xbox360: 24 million
PSP: 41 million
NDS: 88 million



dp666 predicts:


Year end:
Wii: 43 million
X360: 27 million
PS3: 22 million



WiiStation360 predicts:


1. End of year 8 sales:
Wii = 44.2m
X360 = 25.8m
PS3 = 21.2m



Renar predicts:


year end:
Wii at least 40 million. 45 if more production increases are already in motion.
PS3 19
X360 25



xomaniac takes a shot in the dark:


Year end:
360: 22mil...
PS3: 20mil...
Wii: 36mil...



kirby007 predicts:


Year end:
wii end 08 : 36million
xbox360 end 08 : 35million
ps3 end 08 : 15 million



S-L-I-P predicts:


Year end:
Wii : 36 Million
PS3 : 31 Million
Xbox 360: 27 Million



stephen700 predicts:


expect 2008 Wii will sell another 18M =36M (production limited and wont increase 
X360 will do 9M = 25M
PS3 will do 14M = 22M



Butter predicts:


Year end:

Wii - 36M

360 - 23M

PS3 - 16M

NDS - 92M

PSP - 38M




Machina-AX predicts:


year end:

Nintendo Wii - 38 million.
Xbox 360 - 22 million.
Playstation 3 - 18 million.



darkjonnyx predicts:


year end:
Wii: 40 million
X360: 25 million
PS3: 20 million



HappySqurriel predicts:


so my totals for 2008 are:

Wii: 40 Million
PS3: 17 Million
XBox 360: 25 Million
PSP: 40 Million
Nintendo DS: 85 Million




TYLERxDURDEN predicts:


Year end:

Wii: 36m

360: 24m

PS3: 22m



matheousse predicts:


Year end:

ps3 : 25 millions

xbox 360 : 23 millions

Wii : 40 millions



zackblue predicts:


Year end:

ps3: 21M

X60: 25M

Wii: 38M



revolutions predicts:


year end:
Wii- 50 million
360 - 27 million
PS3 - 22 million



tanker predicts:


Wii - 35-38 million
360 - 20-23 million
PS3 - 18-21 million



John_Doe predicts:


Year end:
WII: 37m
X360: 24m
PS3: 21m



endurance predicts:


Year end:
wii will sell 53 mil by the end of 08
ps3 will sell 19 mil
xbox 360 will sell 22 mil

I think he already predicted once, with wii-50 million, PS3 16 million, and 360 22 million



Stever89 predicts:


Total Sales Year Ending 2008 (in order of highest selling to lowest selling)
Wii: 38.99 million
360: 24.95 million
PS3: 19.04 million



Wiiforever predicts:


End of 2008 Predictions (Made 12/28/07)

Wii - 38-40 million

Ps3 - 18-24 million

Xbox 360 - 25-29 million

You made them over a year ago? 




stranne predicts:


WW sales by the end of 2008:

Wii 50M

X360 28M

PS3 20M





Dark_Lord_2008 predicts:


Nintendo WII 50 million 
PS3 30 million 
XBox 360 24 million




Doktor85 predicts:


Year end:
Wii 39mln
360 24mln
PS3 21mln


By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

that's.. a pretty comprehensive list. some good, most eugh

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My predictions are in my sig.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

The amazing thing is that almost nobody overestimated the Wii numbers.

FishyJoe said:
The amazing thing is that almost nobody overestimated the Wii numbers.


 At least not by much.  I overestimated by what will probably be 2-4 million.

bengabenga said mgs4 won't touch 2 mil.

wow :P

bugrimmar said:
bengabenga said mgs4 won't touch 2 mil.

wow :P


That's nothing, there will be people who underestimated Wii Fit by tens of millions.