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My Predictions from last year: (with comments)

1. End of year 08 sales:
Wii = 44.2m  (A bit low, but not too bad)
X360 = 25.8m (a bit low, but also not too bad)
PS3 = 21.2m (oops)

2. End of Year 08 Prices
Wii = $250 (Check)
X360 = $229/$279/$329 (too high for arcade, to low for pro/elite)
PS3 = $300/$400 (oops again)

3. PS3 will pass the XBox360 in "Others" before fall (WRONG)
4. The Wii will continue to sell out until at least summer. (Correct)
5. Wii will impossible to find AGAIN next Christmas, despite increased production. (Another correct, on a roll)
6. PS3 will outsell the X360 in 08 by at least 1M units. (Doh!)
7. Wii Sports, Wii Play, SSBB, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing Wii (if released) will all finish in in the top 10 for the year. No Wii 3rd party game will make the top 20. (AC released to late, otherwise, not bad)
8. Killzone2 will be outsold by Nintendogs in 08. (CORRECT)
9. Blu-ray will finally officially beat HD-DVD, but consumers will continue to not care. (correct)
10. PS3 Home will be very buggy at launch, but will actually be well received and enjoyable. Microsoft will announce their own virtual world for XBox 360 to be released in 09.  (Too soon to tell)
11. PS3 will have at least 4 new hardware versions. X360 at least 3. Wii will have one (to add DVD movie support) (I lost count )