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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How bad has square enix been for sony this gen

with regard to the comparison of FFVII going to the PS1

Disc vs Cartridges is all you need to know. It wasn't a matter of was a matter of FFVII being 2.1GB and couldn't POSSIBLY fit on a 64MB cartridge

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"The only difference is that fanbases are spread across multiple systems now"

How about that's the reason it's better to go multiplatform now. Huh?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Dgc1808 said:
Gatorgamer88 said:

It you havent heard Final Fantasy VII has gone to SONY.

Which is a joke, i mean square enix might as well have slapped Nintendo in the face. I know its a business move and now Playstation will get to see why Nintendo used to dominate. But i mean all Nintendo has ever done is make square money. But the real reason i am writing this is to get some opinions on how bad this move is for Nintendo. I mean obvioulsy FFVII will sell double or triple on PS1 and have not near as good as N64 graphics, etc as it was originally made for obtaining money?? but how much has Nintendo lost here? And FFVIII  is probably on the way, because we all know how believeable Square is. Maybe Nintendo will have other RPG's to keep the genre going on their system.


 Nintendo survived just fine if my Memory is correct.


 Nintendo survived the late 90s because of Pokemon. now back on topic. PlayStation owners have been screwed multiple times. remember when Capcom promised PS2 owners that RE4 would be on PS2. and then went GC exclusive and then...well you know what I'm talking about.

forevercloud3000 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
forevercloud3000 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
If FF13 was exclusive to the ps3 I and millions of other 360 only owners wouldn't get to play. That is why its multi-platform.


No, you , and millions of other 360 owners would have bought PS3s, one way or another. Dont pull that crap. If you are a fan of the series you WERE goingto buy a PS3, until the MP thing, no use denying it. Yea  its exspensive, but you would have found a way to get it just how you got your 360. It really is not that hard to figure out.

PS2 took up an estimated 80% of the userbase last gen. It was cheaper then Xbox was. FF games of late on average sell about 5million. Do you really think that if it was multiplat then that another 5million people were going to miraculously appear as fans on the XBOX for it. NO. USerbase does not equal sales unless your taget audience is included. If XIII is good its good, it will sell 5mill+, but it would have been just the same if it was on PS3. Maybe 10% less at the most. Is that 10% worth shelling out man power to work on an adjacent title so it can "widen userbase"?

The whole MP equals Sales logic is flawed....


Man, what delusion. If what you claimed was true, there would be no need to put the game on the 360. The sales would be assured. But S-E doesn't rely on fanboys like you, so they put it on two systems to increase sales.

I love it when people try to denounce my claim yet have no real argument. how about you give some concrete reasoning for a MP game selling better then an exclusive one and we will talk.

Halo 3, an exclusive game for 360 that has out sold majority of MP games this gen(8.6 million). It was only barely out sold by COD4 which is somewhere around 10-11million(PS3+360). That is less then either systems entire userbases seperate.

GTAIV was also around 11million.  GTAIII sold 11.6 million while still exclusive to PS2 alone.

DMC4 sold almost 2.5 million. DMC 1 sold 2.77million as a PS2 exclusive.

Ok, Now lets tally up. What are the most successful Games?


Gran Turismo 3 A Spec (14mill)

Final Fantasy VII10-11mill)

Gears of War (5.5mil)

New Super Mario Bros. (16mill)

Mario Kart Wii(11mil)

Crash Bandicoot 2 (7.5mil)

Jak and Daxter(3.5mil)

Metal Gear Solid (5.6mill)

Pokemon Red/Green/Blue (31mill)

God of War (3.2mil)

Kingdom Hearts (5.5mill)

WOW would you look at that. Majority of the best known and best selling franchise leaders are all exclusive titles. Who would have thunk it?

Now lets got to the Top 5 selling franchises of all time!

  1. Mario
  2. Pokemon
  3. The Sims
  4. Final Fantasy
  5. Need For Speed

3/5 are exclusive franchises to a console or another (except FF of late but they do nto factor into statistics)

What does this Prove?

That making a game Multiplat does not equal better sales.

Now What Have we learned?


Just curious, what will the talking points be next year when GTA4 pushes past that 11.6 M, and DMC4 has eclipsed 2.77M?

Also, you may be right that hardcore fans of the series would have bought a PS3 to play FF13, but you're missing the much larger segment of the population that is unwilling to purchase a new console for one game, but would happily pick up the game for the system they already own if it were available.  I will buy FF13 for 360 when it comes out, but would never have even considered picking up a PS3 just to play it.

"Nintendo survived the late 90s because of Pokemon."

No, that is a fallacy to try to pretend Nintendo survived on luck.

They sold their systems at a profit, so every game and system made money. That is how they survived.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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De85 said:


Just curious, what will the talking points be next year when GTA4 pushes past that 11.6 M, and DMC4 has eclipsed 2.77M?

Also, you may be right that hardcore fans of the series would have bought a PS3 to play FF13, but you're missing the much larger segment of the population that is unwilling to purchase a new console for one game, but would happily pick up the game for the system they already own if it were available.  I will buy FF13 for 360 when it comes out, but would never have even considered picking up a PS3 just to play it.


that is IF it pushes past it next year. Have you been to a local GameStop lately? I assure you every gamestop in the US has at least 10 GTAIVs for 360 and at least 5 for PS3 used. My Gamestop has 17 copies for 360 used. If anyone is going to be picking up this game anytime next year it will probably be used. Unfortunately, Developers make no profit off of their game's used sales and they are not counted in the numbers sold.

Even if it did push past it would only be slightly, less then a million new 200k copies from saturation. That would still prove my point, That previously exclusive games sales have outdone or are fairly similar to their MP counterparts. The exscuse of MP games selling better then exclusives is false, if not just an out right lie.

I have come to the conclusion that the number of people who would have bought a PS3 game for FFXIII greatly outnumbers the ones who wont. They will grumble all the way to the store but still will purchase one. Many are just in denial about it, now that they know they dont have to cuz its MP.

And even you would have bought one, you particularly might have waited for PS3 price drop, sales, reviews of how good the game is, then got it.

Side NOTE: Can I ask you something? How much did you pay for your 360 and when? And What accessories did you go out and buy for it?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

LordTheNightKnight said:
"The only difference is that fanbases are spread across multiple systems now"

How about that's the reason it's better to go multiplatform now. Huh?


You took that out of context.

what I meant was....

PS3 Exclusive:7million sales

PS3/360 MP: 2million(360), 5million(PS3)


THe fanbase is split, not exspanding.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

@forevercloud3000: Are you trying to tell me that if RE4 did not arrive on the PS2, 2.71m more Gamecubes would have been sold?

I'm sorry, but I find that to be pretty ridiculous.

c0rd said:

@forevercloud3000: Are you trying to tell me that if RE4 did not arrive on the PS2, 2.71m more Gamecubes would have been sold?

I'm sorry, but I find that to be pretty ridiculous.

I think you are looking at it in reverse. Yes it came to gamecube first, but if you remember correctly RE is an EX PS exclusive franchise, the fanbase lied with PS2. When you look at the numbers of PS2 one compared to the GC one, you can see if they had not tried to pull the whole GC exclusive thing those sales would have all been on PS2.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

draik said:
Gatorgamer88 said:
@draik you are sorely mistaken. The 360 doesnt even scratch the surface of a userbase for RPG, i mean it will sell, its FF but really? More than PS3? Check out the 280K that the last remnant sold on the 360. everyone knows that the 360 has the FPS but Sony has the RPGs come on. Games like devil may cry 4 went multiplat and tomb raider but both have roots on the Playstation and as a consequence sold more on the PS3


What rpg's are we talking about for the ps3? The ones the xbox 360 has aswell (and more)?

I own a ps3 and a wii, I just think it was a logical move from square.


uuuuh  FF is not being released in japan on the 360, therefor the game will sell the most on ps3.