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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict FFXIII, Versus and Agito sales

Whats Agito??? Genre?

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Agito is the FFXIII that is going to be released on next-generation mobile phones, so Agito will be released later than the other two most likely



bodhi14 said:
Agito is the FFXIII that is going to be released on next-generation mobile phones, so Agito will be released later than the other two most likely


Wrong, was scrapped for mobile phones and is coming to PSP. BTW it is a JRPG.


FFXIII PS3 - 5.6 Mill

FFXII 360 - 2.7 MILL


Final Fantasy XIII (XBox 360): 5.3 M
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3): 5.5 M
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3): 2.8 M
Final Fantasy XIII Agito (PSP): 1.8 M

My console sales prediction for the end of 2009?? [made January 2 2009]
PS3: 30M -- XBox 360: 40M -- Wii: 72M -- PSP: 65M -- NDS: 138M

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WOW those FFXIII numbers way too high wanterpool, especially for the 360 considering it releases in just 2 regions and more importantly not in the area it sells best.


FFXIII Japan: 1-1,25 (assuming it releases on may june next year).

X360 : 2,5M
PS3: 1,5M

X360: 1,25
PS3: 1,5

Total: about 6-8M

Versus: about 3M world wide

FFXIII PSP between 1 and 1,5 M

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Khuutra said:

Guys exactly when is FFXIII releasing in Japan?

2.5 million sold there would be like a 70% attach rate at this point

There's no official release date but the official demo is coming out in March of 09 and the full game usually comes out a couple months after the demo, so it's safe to say Summer of 2009 for Japan and Early 2010 for Noth America.


FFXIII PS3            6 million

        X360            2.5million = combined 8.5 million

FFVXIII PS3          5 million

FFXIII Agito PSP   3 million

Early 2010 may be too optimistic. Keep in mind, they have to build the whole Xbox version in addition to translating the game into English.

Anyone want to make a bet that Versus will sell more on the 360 than on the PS3?

(and yes - that means that it will show up on the 360)

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3