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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

Rei said:
I suppose the next announced PS3 project from SE will stop these talks then.


In Japan PS3 is doing badly but still good enough to have a few million sellers, by the time FFXIII releases FFXIII should easily sell 1-2 million there. We will see more FF games on the PS3, question is if it will be a flagship game or not. Before this generation ends though the Wii will get it's own spin off as will the DS.


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Everyone does remember the plan for FF13 was to make it a big sprawling thing right? Like bigger then FF12 was.

So we really should probably expect them to try and ride the generation with FF13 spinoffs unless 13 bombs. (comparitivly.)

RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:
Senlis said:

Why did square go with the systems they did?  The started with FF on the NES, then developed FFII and FFIII on the NES.  They then went to SNES for FFIV, FFV and FFVI.  I think they went with SNES because SNES and Genesis were almost the same and they already had a fanbase with Nintendo.  Then they faced a dilema, N64 or PSone.  They went with PSone because the CDs could store enough space for cutscenes.  In this sense, PSone has better graphics.  Hence, there is where FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX went.  Then, when PS2 came out, it was the best looking system and wasn't falling apart (I don't know when Dreamcast entered the fray).  Plus, their dedicated fanbase moved to PS2 when they and almost every other JRPG maker was making games for Sony.  Plus, Nintendo was seriously pissed off at them for leaving their system.  PS2 got FFX, FFXI and FFXII.  Note that their main reason for leaving Nintendo in the first place seemed to be the ability for PS to store cutscenes, making thier games look better.  For that reason, I think graphics are very important to Square when they make a FF game.  Plus, their gameplay hasn't been that great recently, and they have to make it up with something.

Yes they dropped Nintendo for the sake of being able to use CDs, I'm not arguing that, but it's not because they were devoted to graphics. It's because they knew that FMVs would make them more money. They were right!

It didn't matter during the PS2 gen, because Sony's juggernaut was basically unstoppable and all the consoles could show FMVs (the Wii to a lesser extent). All Square was doing was following the money.

The same is true of this gen. They just bet on the wrong horse. If Square had known that the Wii was goign to dominate like it has, especially in Japan, there would be no Final Fantasy XIII coming to the HD consoles, because there's more money to be made on the Wii.

There was much more than just the CD vs. cartridge issue back in the day, Nintendo and Squaresoft seriously broke up. Hiroshi Yamauchi must have done something terrible at the end of the SNES era and two good reasons support this assumption:

1) The PAL version of Super Mario RPG was cancelled.
2) Squaresoft didn't make a single game for Nintendo systems after that as long as Yamauchi was still president of Nintendo.

Final Fantasy may have left Nintendo consoles regardless, but the complete lack of support for about eight years is pretty telling that it wasn't just about CDs or following the money for Squaresoft or else they would still have made games for Nintendo handhelds (in case of following the money).

Not sure about the point of my post, but I just wanted to say this for once.

Keep in mind this is just hearsay and speculation, but it makes sense.  At the time N64 was coming out, Nintendo was trying to form their "dream team" of 2nd party developers to make exclusives for their platform.  They probably took it for granted that Squaresoft was going to be part of that "dream team", but then they left.  It was probably nothing personal on Squares part, they just went with the system they thought would work the best with their games.  I heard that this is when the head of Nintendo (can't think of his name) really got pissed off at Square.

In other words, Square leaving Nintendo is what caused the hate between the two companies.  It wasn't until midway thru the GC era that they started working again.  Squaresoft probably would have made some games for Nintendo consoles if Nintendo had let them.



I think SE is waiting until the PS3 has a reasonable userbase in Japan to release FFXIII. That and the decision to port it over to the 360 in the West, because I fear that development costs may have been impossible to recoup with only it getting released on the PS3. But I also fear that FFXIII may get delayed even further into this gen, because SE won't be happy about releasing a game on a platform that will provide small sales in comparison to previous games. Unless people expect to see a 100% attach rate, which is impossible.

Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.


I actually think it do now. I think it all started with FF7

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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Naum said:
Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.


I actually think it do now. I think it all started with FF7

FMV =/= graphics

It's okay as long as you don't :) at the end of it

Didn't anyone tell you?

RPG said:
Rei said:
I suppose the next announced PS3 project from SE will stop these talks then.


In Japan PS3 is doing badly but still good enough to have a few million sellers, by the time FFXIII releases FFXIII should easily sell 1-2 million there. We will see more FF games on the PS3, question is if it will be a flagship game or not. Before this generation ends though the Wii will get it's own spin off as will the DS.


Everything under 2 million is a dissapointment for FF in Japan. I don't think it will sell over 1.5 million there though. Worldwide it will definitely a success. I think I even have a bet with naz that it will sell more on 360 in the US then on PS3.

FF is not Mario, it cant just turn around, completely change and still stay popular. There are things that make FF game an FF, and Wii does not provide a way to make a game up to the franchise's standards.

I take it you hate all the previous FFs, because they aren't up to the franchise's standard?

Naum said:
Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.


I actually think it do now. I think it all started with FF7

Yes and no. Style over substance became the standard for the Final Fantasy series with VII. the graphics for FFVII were poor even for the time. Sony's ad campaign for FFVII was almost exclusively the FMV scenes of the game. Which hid how bad the graphics actually were.

patjuan32 said:
RPG said:
I have to agree with the game going on Wii 2, now that sounds very very likely. However I think XIV will make it to PS3/360 as SE are used to the hardware now so will not take as long as FFXIII to make. FF 15 on Wii 2, you heard it here first!

The only game the Square has developed for the Xbox 360/PS3 is the Last Remnant. The PS3 version is not out yet. They've also only developed one game for the Wii, Dragon Quest Swords. Square has experience with the hardware of all the home consoles.



Why does everyone forget the chocobo!?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"