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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted was boring for me, honestly.

technical prowess? no, i only care about gameplay and variety.

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I think they get old when after you've fought a few waves of them only to die and have to repeat most of the battle again........

and again..... and again...

.....and again

well no, i didn't really die that often honestly.

but you don't have to die to experience fighting wave after wave of the same dudes again and again and again. every single battle is composed of the same elements.

Well ok here's an example of what I'm talking about, I'm not going to say your like my roomate at all, cuz it's not quite like that, but this is kinda what I'm talking about.

My roomate starts a file on Bioshock, because I loved that game :P And was like dude, you so have to play this!

My roomate is a self proclaimed gamer, although he REALLY REALLY isn't. So he starts and mentions the fact that the water is really good looking in that opening scene. Ok cool, good notice :P He goes down the bubble thing, and there's a scene where some messed up chick slaughters this poor guy, proceeds to hop onto your transportation, and rip a whole through the top!!! I was looking at the screen just as this sequence started, and his dumbass had his camera looking at the floor somewhere, so I was like... ummm wtf? His dumbass is texting someone @_@ /slap dude! Pay attention!

Oh yeah yeah...
DUDE!! there are like flashing lights and shit above you, your not even curious?
"huh" *looks*

Another scene is where these doors open up, and there's this mutilated corpse on the wall, and it's got some cryptic message written in blood all over the place :P, Well, without spending literally 2 seconds to look at it, he just kinda runs in and goes off to the right. DUDE!@#$!@#!@#$%^!@$@$# FOR GOD'S SAKE LOOK AT THE STUFF IN THIS GAME, IT'S FRIGGIN IMPORTANT!@#$!@#$@#$@#$

"Huh? What did I miss?"
"See what?"
"Dude! Oh shit I missed that!"

It's like he didn't get the game at all LOL He didn't allow himself to immerse in the world that the game was obviously TRYING to give to him xD

He runs through area's in survival horror games, never that slow uneasy walk.... he skips the story/leveling up in rpg's and just try's to complete the game as fast as he can. He just... doesn't necessarily appreciate the titles for what they COULD be offering.

I'm thinking Uncharted maybe just wasn't for your tastes :P But it's one of my most appreciated games this generation ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

i appreciate every game that offers great varied gameplay.

and once again, uncharted doesn't offer any variety.

i don't understand why you're comparing me to your friend. i finished bioshock with relish. it had a lot of variety. uncharted does not compare.

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It wasn't a comparison of personality types :P I'm simply mussing at the idea that maybe you just don't like Uncharted's offering, you seem to care about variety, and something... and while I thought Uncharted had plenty of variety it just wasn't in your flavor guide :P I liked uncharted for many, many reasons, and didn't just hate it because the enemies were "vanilla" xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I agree bugrimmar. While I did like the game, Uncharted was pretty repetitive, and I would get bored of shooting people after an hour. Couldn't play the game for more than an hour in a playthrough. One thing that really annoyed me was that the enemies would shoot from a mile away. The jetski levels were underwhelming especially since you had to take out some barrels. The part where I really had fun was when that twist occurs. Graphics, music, characters, and story were great.

Munkeh111 said:
Gee, I sure wish that there had been a twist which meant you were no longer fighting the standard humans.....

Anyway, it probably could have done with a little more variety, but the presentation was so good, the story so good, and it was just so fun to play, there is very very little wrong with that game


 Yeah, that would have been great.  I can't believe this comment went unnoticed.

I will have to disagree with the op, Uncharted is an excellent game.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



yknow i'm very happy that the comments in this thread have been very civil and none of the "OMFG ur an idiot! uncharted is the best game ever!" has entered at all. i hope that the comments remain such :)

i was rather unsure about posting this actually because i know a lot of people liked the game, and i might just be flamed to death. but its very good that people found the sense to comment respectfully.

Everyone has a different taste in games. Uncharted was enjoyable but for example despite all the praise for it MGS4 was one ofthe worst games I ever played. I tried the game for about 3 hours to see if I would like it and after only actually playing the game for about 30 minutes of that time I took it out and traded it in.
The complaints you made can be applied to any game. Especially the platforming elements all you do is jump.....ermm last time i played a mario game all you do is jump and he only had like two types of weapons yet the game was awesome and never felt like a chore. Or Everquest you started off fighting rats move your way to up goblins orcs gnolls and ghosts only to get the end game and fight....what for it ....... rats again and that game was hardcore.
The game may not have had the rigth feel for you and while I agree it is far from perfect it was a good game. A chore on the PS3 is playing a FPS where you feel like your character is moving through molasses just to aim.