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Everyone has a different taste in games. Uncharted was enjoyable but for example despite all the praise for it MGS4 was one ofthe worst games I ever played. I tried the game for about 3 hours to see if I would like it and after only actually playing the game for about 30 minutes of that time I took it out and traded it in.
The complaints you made can be applied to any game. Especially the platforming elements all you do is jump.....ermm last time i played a mario game all you do is jump and he only had like two types of weapons yet the game was awesome and never felt like a chore. Or Everquest you started off fighting rats move your way to up goblins orcs gnolls and ghosts only to get the end game and fight....what for it ....... rats again and that game was hardcore.
The game may not have had the rigth feel for you and while I agree it is far from perfect it was a good game. A chore on the PS3 is playing a FPS where you feel like your character is moving through molasses just to aim.