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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted was boring for me, honestly.

Burgimmar - What kind of enemies were you expecting?

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Got to agree with you bugrimmar, I didn't enjoy it that much either.


I disagree with you 100% :P

Almost every game has generic run of the mill enemies, and they all just repeat one after the other. At least the 90% pirates category was robust with different forms of A.I.

I strickly recall being flanked NUMEROUS times, having them rush me, having them flush me out with grenades, taking cover behind various things, friggin popping out of cover like, almost crawling on the floor LOL it was amazing ^^. It wasn't ok, here's one type of enemy, this is what he'll do, oh look, another type of enemy, that's what he'll do. The baddies in Uncharted actually felt like baddies :P It was nice ^^

Bosses???? Yeah cuz that's totally viable :3 Here's another regular person, he just takes like 8234239847234 more headshots to kill. Even the last guy was pushing it a bit :P

Uncharted did a great job of keeping you with a pace that was constantly changing given the current situation, then around 3/4 into the game, they change the way you play it all together :P They turned your safety into a disadvantage, and slammed you with some amazing run and gun classic style gameplay :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Gee, Bugrimmar. I guess you just didn't appreciate how awesome Uncharted was.

*puts hand in pocket and whistles*

perpride said:
Burgimmar - What kind of enemies were you expecting?


at least a legitimate boss. something to end the game on a high note. instead of ending it by killing some dude you don't care about.

look at a game like resistance 2. you got run of the mill alien dudes with no guns that just run after you like crazy, you got regular alien dudes with blasters, you got medium sized alien dudes with shields and plasma blasters, you got big alien dudes with exploding blasters, you got huge alien dudes the size of dinosaurs that spit acid, and then you got the GIANT ASS monsters the size of buildings.

variety with enemies. that's what makes a game compelling. if you shoot the same guys over and over again, it's vanilla.

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But that's so not true Burg ^^ In resistance 2, you see an enemy, you just expect them to have a certain behavior :P THAT'S vanilla ^^ Sure the gameplay changes, but your just killing another type of that mob, the enemies your fighting have no soul :P

The guys in uncharted however felt way more alive than any other game I've played this gen ^^ Uncharted was about playing in a world they wanted to immerse you in, they wanted to simulate a more movie based realization. If you ever saw Romancing the Stone you'd probably understand ^^ They even gave the enemy that option to pop out of cover and just spray randomly LOL It was great! Shooting some guy from the front, then having him fall forward off a waterfall :) It was just classic! That game was a blast to play through and through!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
I disagree with you 100% :P

Almost every game has generic run of the mill enemies, and they all just repeat one after the other. At least the 90% pirates category was robust with different forms of A.I.

I strickly recall being flanked NUMEROUS times, having them rush me, having them flush me out with grenades, taking cover behind various things, friggin popping out of cover like, almost crawling on the floor LOL it was amazing ^^. It wasn't ok, here's one type of enemy, this is what he'll do, oh look, another type of enemy, that's what he'll do. The baddies in Uncharted actually felt like baddies :P It was nice ^^

Bosses???? Yeah cuz that's totally viable :3 Here's another regular person, he just takes like 8234239847234 more headshots to kill. Even the last guy was pushing it a bit :P

Uncharted did a great job of keeping you with a pace that was constantly changing given the current situation, then around 3/4 into the game, they change the way you play it all together :P They turned your safety into a disadvantage, and slammed you with some amazing run and gun classic style gameplay :P

sure, the AI was nice. they acted and reacted well.

but the problem was, in this game, they're the only ones you can look forward to shooting. sure, in a game like metal gear, its the same PMC troopers you get to shoot all the time, with a mix of maybe a FROG here and there. But metal gear had bosses. bosses made you feel a sense of closure and achievement. you actually look forward to fighting a different enemy that is basically the 'high end'. fighting the same guys over and over again with no hope of any kind of top dog to beat is just boring and an exercise of futility.

I admit, some kind of evil pirate girl rival, or some kind of rival or some guy who specialised with knives, or something would have added spice to the bad guys. And maybe if the bad guys reacted to being shot in the chest by not running directly at me. Or maybe if there weren't always 100 villains already hiding inside the cave that hadn't been open for 1000 years. Maybe if the villains couldn't smell me from 100 yards away (because they damned sure didn't SEE me!).

Still can't say I feel like bugrimmar, though. The guy clearly is entitled to his own opinion no matter how wrong he is!

ChronotriggerJM said:
But that's so not true Burg ^^ In resistance 2, you see an enemy, you just expect them to have a certain behavior :P THAT'S vanilla ^^ Sure the gameplay changes, but your just killing another type of that mob, the enemies your fighting have no soul :P

The guys in uncharted however felt way more alive than any other game I've played this gen ^^ Uncharted was about playing in a world they wanted to immerse you in, they wanted to simulate a more movie based realization. If you ever saw Romancing the Stone you'd probably understand ^^ They even gave the enemy that option to pop out of cover and just spray randomly LOL It was great! Shooting some guy from the front, then having him fall forward off a waterfall :) It was just classic! That game was a blast to play through and through!


i disagree. the enemy AI in uncharted was no different from any other game. they dodged, they charged, they found cover. but that's just standard.

the enemies in resistance 2 push you to the limit as well. you get times when dozens of dudes just charge you like crazy. you get times when they hide and shoot you with augers (gun that can shoot through walls) giving you no opportunity to wait and think. no, the enemy AI in uncharted was the same. i don't see any difference.

Metal gear wasn't uncharted though :P Metal gear was a game that wanted to push psudo realism. Kojima wanted a world that felt like the supernatural was more science based than mystical.

Uncharted was just about that, the unknown :P It's a world with "curses" and "magicked" crap. Stuff like that ^^

In games like Call of Duty, your always gunning down some person that's just out to kill you. You kill them without thinking about it :P In uncharted however, I loved to just mess around with them ^^ I loved the though of meleeing someone, and it wasn't that the A.I. was "good". No no, that makes it seem far to robotic, the A.I. in uncharted was far more believable :) They seemed like they belonged in that world, all 4 of the different pirate skins xD The way they ran like spazzes and dived to get cover, the way one would pull the pin out of a grenade and kinda hang around before throwing it, the sound they would yelp as you randomly shot them somewhere, it FELT like a much better breed of enemy. It felt like they were part of the world, part of the experience, not just in the way for you to mow through to get to the next part of the game :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.