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I disagree with you 100% :P

Almost every game has generic run of the mill enemies, and they all just repeat one after the other. At least the 90% pirates category was robust with different forms of A.I.

I strickly recall being flanked NUMEROUS times, having them rush me, having them flush me out with grenades, taking cover behind various things, friggin popping out of cover like, almost crawling on the floor LOL it was amazing ^^. It wasn't ok, here's one type of enemy, this is what he'll do, oh look, another type of enemy, that's what he'll do. The baddies in Uncharted actually felt like baddies :P It was nice ^^

Bosses???? Yeah cuz that's totally viable :3 Here's another regular person, he just takes like 8234239847234 more headshots to kill. Even the last guy was pushing it a bit :P

Uncharted did a great job of keeping you with a pace that was constantly changing given the current situation, then around 3/4 into the game, they change the way you play it all together :P They turned your safety into a disadvantage, and slammed you with some amazing run and gun classic style gameplay :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.