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Metal gear wasn't uncharted though :P Metal gear was a game that wanted to push psudo realism. Kojima wanted a world that felt like the supernatural was more science based than mystical.

Uncharted was just about that, the unknown :P It's a world with "curses" and "magicked" crap. Stuff like that ^^

In games like Call of Duty, your always gunning down some person that's just out to kill you. You kill them without thinking about it :P In uncharted however, I loved to just mess around with them ^^ I loved the though of meleeing someone, and it wasn't that the A.I. was "good". No no, that makes it seem far to robotic, the A.I. in uncharted was far more believable :) They seemed like they belonged in that world, all 4 of the different pirate skins xD The way they ran like spazzes and dived to get cover, the way one would pull the pin out of a grenade and kinda hang around before throwing it, the sound they would yelp as you randomly shot them somewhere, it FELT like a much better breed of enemy. It felt like they were part of the world, part of the experience, not just in the way for you to mow through to get to the next part of the game :P

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