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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted was boring for me, honestly.

There, I said it.

If you really think about Uncharted, there wasn't any variety to the action at all. You only shoot three kinds of dudes in this game, and 90% of them are the same old vanilla pirate dudes. There aren't any bosses (the last 'boss' was a joke), the guns are extremely limited (and they all work pretty much the same), and when you're not shooting you're just jumping. I dunno, the first time I saw Drake jump those long ass distances, I was a little worried. But after seeing the same mechanic repeated over and over again for the thousandth time, jumping again and again just felt like a chore. The vehicle parts were really shabby as well.

So basically, Uncharted was repetitive to me. I dunno, everyone seems to love it for some reason. I can't imagine why. Just for the graphics? Sure the graphics were amazing. But the gameplay? Repetitive. Vanilla enemies. Jumping without variety.

I kinda think that people are overhyping it for some reason.

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i haven't played it yet, but I plan to.

i hope it aint that bad...

Then sir, I suggest you quit gaming.


I feel sorry for you, bugrimmar. You obviously wasted all that time playing. Why did you play if you didn't like it?

This is invisible text!

The gameplay was top notch. The graphics were amazing. I absolutely loved the platforming. The story was vibrant with hilarious characters - Drake himself being one of the best main characters ever. The cover/shooting system was great...probably the most realistic shooting system I have ever used.

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Each to his own, I loved it personally :)

i played through it because there wasn't much to play at all. i only had three games back then. i read that this thing was ps3 game of the year for ign, so hey, i thought why not. there wasn't much choice anyway.

the shooting system, sure, was ok. but my complaint is the vanilla enemies. after shooting the hundredth random pirate dude, it really becomes boring.

Uncharted was about a feel my friend ^^ The game had so much personality and charm it was just amazing!

The environments you fight in, the platforming/shooting aspects, the phrases and animation drake moves through as he's in a shootout, the feel of a headshot, running up to someone while evading bullets to do an awesome brutal combo. The game just had flow :) The "boring" mechanics you call them were just fine as well. Shooting felt really nice, and the environments were just stunning ^^ So it took some great classic TPS gameplay, tossed in plenty of class and charm, and it was a game that's well worth playing over and over again :P You have to break away from the demanding on manly manly grit and dirt to really appreciate a title like Uncharted. It's more than just an action game :P It's an experience!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

How were you annoyed with the enemies? :P I thought they were awesome! I loved they're random shouts at you, how spazzy they would run to grab cover, shooting one while he's preparing to toss a grenade, they all had feel ^^ For being of the same guy's over and over again, they sure had way more character than most of the other games I've played out there :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

can anyone here really deny the fact that the enemies were totally vanilla? there were no bosses (the last one was not a boss. he was a joke). there were only three kinds of enemies (90% pirate dudes, 5% gollum dudes, 5% swat dudes with laser sight). so sure, drake was a good character. but the enemies just sucked. and it didn't bring any enjoyment anymore shooting the same dudes for the hundredth time.