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There, I said it.

If you really think about Uncharted, there wasn't any variety to the action at all. You only shoot three kinds of dudes in this game, and 90% of them are the same old vanilla pirate dudes. There aren't any bosses (the last 'boss' was a joke), the guns are extremely limited (and they all work pretty much the same), and when you're not shooting you're just jumping. I dunno, the first time I saw Drake jump those long ass distances, I was a little worried. But after seeing the same mechanic repeated over and over again for the thousandth time, jumping again and again just felt like a chore. The vehicle parts were really shabby as well.

So basically, Uncharted was repetitive to me. I dunno, everyone seems to love it for some reason. I can't imagine why. Just for the graphics? Sure the graphics were amazing. But the gameplay? Repetitive. Vanilla enemies. Jumping without variety.

I kinda think that people are overhyping it for some reason.