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Forums - Sony Discussion - Time Magazine: there are only 200 k PS3s in US

I hope you're joking stof... Look at the "17 million" part, then look at the rest of the sentence and tell me again that the author is making sense.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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*Walks into the corner to sulk*


I didn't say anything!

*Whistles as he leaves the thread to GTA mission complete music*


NJ5 said:
I hope you're joking stof... Look at the "17 million" part, then look at the rest of the sentence and tell me again that the author is making sense.


 "there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide" - ok...

"a scant 200,000, for the month of October, of whom live in the U.S. "



I admit it's not the most well written part of the article. He's trying to say how it didn't sell much in October, and thats really not the right place to pack in so much info.  but I can guarantee that if people read this article on their own without seeing Dolmites post first, There wouldn't be a problem at all.

It's written by a guy giving his impressions of Home.. on his PS3. Just because he works for Time magazine and not a silly game "journalism" website doesn't mean he's stupid.


I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Well, that was the edited version which as you say has correct information, just in a very jumbled up way. If you were to read it literally you could almost conclude that those 200,000 lived in the U.S. in October but perhaps they moved out of the country in November.

Yes, it's fun being a pedant sometimes.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

stof said:
NJ5 said:
I hope you're joking stof... Look at the "17 million" part, then look at the rest of the sentence and tell me again that the author is making sense.


"there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide" - ok...

"a scant 200,000, for the month of October, of whom live in the U.S. "



I admit it's not the most well written part of the article. He's trying to say how it didn't sell much in October, and thats really not the right place to pack in so much info. but I can guarantee that if people read this article on their own without seeing Dolmites post first, There wouldn't be a problem at all.

It's written by a guy giving his impressions of Home.. on his PS3. Just because he works for Time magazine and not a silly game "journalism" website doesn't mean he's stupid.


It's a horribly mangled sentence, and it's only so because he's trying to shoe-horn in the 200,000 figure with which he began. The original version didn't say anything about October:

"Starting today, owners of the pricey PlayStation 3 — there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000 of whom live in the U.S. — can download the software for free via Sony's PlayStation Network, which connects the game consoles on the Net so users can play each other."

So, 17 million PS3s worldwide, only 200,000 in the US.

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I'm just sick of waiting for this "HOME".

It better be all it's cracked up to be, because Sony has talked this thing up like it's the revolutionary moment in gaming.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
I'm just sick of waiting for this "HOME".

It better be all it's cracked up to be, because Sony has talked this thing up like it's the revolutionary moment in gaming.


I believe it just releases today :S..... you're still waiting??? I gave up over 10 months ago.....

OT: I knew VGChartz was a lie!!!

4 ≈ One

stof you're reading the post-edit article, the original didn't say anything about October, that phrase was shoe-horned in. ;>