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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Race Pro. Looks better than Forza!

I don't care if it looks better.. I want to know if its more "fun" then Forza.

I really disliked the fact that I had 15+ cars in less then two hours of playing... it just kinda ruined any sense of achievement. I remember on Gran Turismo the intense racing sessions and tuning and upgrading a car to be able to buy that next car. It was rewarding... Forza lacked that and I hope Race Pro will pick it up!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Barozi said:
ElectroRocker said:
looks impressive
nothing against Gran turismo 5 loooool
poor xbox360 user

This game is 100% about realism. Gran Turismo series is maybe 20% about realism.

Have fun with your arcade racing game.


I honestly don't know which one of you to feel more sorry for.

Couldn't they give it a more exciting name than "Race Pro"? I dunno. Maybe call it "Drive Car" or "Racing Game". "Race Pro" just sounds so generic.

Mummelmann said:
Barozi said:
ElectroRocker said:
looks impressive
nothing against Gran turismo 5 loooool
poor xbox360 user

This game is 100% about realism. Gran Turismo series is maybe 20% about realism.

Have fun with your arcade racing game.


I honestly don't know which one of you to feel more sorry for.

You've got to admit though, Electrorocker has a bright future ahead of him on this site.



Forza wasn't about graphics -- it was about accurate physics updating 360 times per second and 60 frames per second. Two things all good racing games will be about going forward.

That said, this game looks like crap.

Around the Network
Dallinor said:
Mummelmann said:
Barozi said:
ElectroRocker said:
looks impressive
nothing against Gran turismo 5 loooool
poor xbox360 user

This game is 100% about realism. Gran Turismo series is maybe 20% about realism.

Have fun with your arcade racing game.


I honestly don't know which one of you to feel more sorry for.

You've got to admit though, Electrorocker has a bright future ahead of him on this site.




This is correct.

I support you,Selnor...if Race Pro will end up in the same league as GT5 (it is made by Simbin,an excellent Pc developer btw),I will laught so tears actually. And we still have Forza 3...

I`m more interested in Kingdom Under Fire 2...thanks to Selnor. I just hope MS buys the exclusivity like it has done with the previous one.

Lol @ d21lewis -> Simbin released Race wtcc and Race 07,both Pc games. Now is making a 360 exclusive game because (my bet) of piracy,system optimisation and MS`s market share(sales).

Looking better than an almost two year old game is nothing to be excited about.

Cheat1011 said:
Looking better than an almost two year old game is nothing to be excited about.


 Why everyone just cares about looks. Simbin are the best at racing simulation. Kicks 5 shades of shit out of Forza 2 and GT5P in terms of simulation. If youve ever played GTR you will understand. This game by these devs is a massive win for racing fans. It will be by far the most realistic racing experience on a console. Below is GTR on PC. And Gamespot have a recent interview with Simbin stating that for Race Pro they have developed a new engine that is better than anything they have done before. Here is a quote from the latest playtest. This is the level of realism these devs go to.

"From a development standpoint, RacePro's mixture of approachability and demanding realism called for a brand-new game engine, codenamed "Lizard," to be built for the console. Although the game is still in development, and the preview build that we played had some rough edges (namely in the unstable frame rate), there are some important high points that improve on what SimBin fans have come to expect on the PC. Take track surfaces, for example. As Sartori put it, track deformations have been significantly improved in RacePro. You need only drive a single lap at a track like Brno--a constantly changing, engrossingly challenging track in the Czech Republic--for proof. When entering and exiting certain corners--turns that we've experienced many times in other console games--we were shocked by the amount of undulations threatening to upset the balance of our car. And the more powerful the ride, the more obvious each and every bump becomes.

As Sartori put it, that extra attention to track surface detail will play a big role in determining how you want to attack any course in the game. Now, of course, every track is different. Sartori describes Brno as a track in which every corner is connected--and a mistake on one turn will have ramifications on upcoming corners, if not the entire lap. Other courses in the game, such as Italy's Monza and Brazil's Curitiba, have a little more room for error yet are still, in their own ways, lots of fun to drive"

Below a 2 year old PC game GTR. These guys know how to make a racing simulation. They are critically acclaimed on PC.

simbin best racing devs? the guys from live for speed can make a better game than them and they don't even have a budget!


cars look decent, everything else looks like shit.