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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves to use 100% of PS3's power?

cool , i really cant wait for this game. i loved the 1st one so much.





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What do they mean by 100%? Which part exactly? I'm sure there have been a lot of games that have come out already that have been maxing out the limited memory's power. Do you consider that to be 100%? Or is it just pure CPU use? Or maybe 100% would mean the best you could get by with the bottlenecks? I mean the code can be optimized for better and better use, but the bottlenecks do not suddenly disappear. Frankly I'm getting tired of the whole "This game uses X% of the PS3's power!" PR as well.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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The exact quote from the magazine is, "We're pushing the PS3 tech to the max. We got about 30 percent out of the SPEs on the first game. We think we're going to be really close to maxing it out this time around. So, potentially for the first time, you're going to see the Cell pushed to its limits."

vlad321 said:
What do they mean by 100%? Which part exactly? I'm sure there have been a lot of games that have come out already that have been maxing out the limited memory's power. Do you consider that to be 100%? Or is it just pure CPU use? Or maybe 100% would mean the best you could get by with the bottlenecks? I mean the code can be optimized for better and better use, but the bottlenecks do not suddenly disappear. Frankly I'm getting tired of the whole "This game uses X% of the PS3's power!" PR as well.

I don't think they have any objective performance metrics in mind. I think they're just making up percentages to go with their guesses of what the system is capable of.

Basically, it's all just BS and all you can take from this is that this guy thinks that Uncharted 2 is roughly 3 times better than Uncharted.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
Hyams said:
The exact quote from the magazine is, "We're pushing the PS3 tech to the max. We got about 30 percent out of the SPEs on the first game. We think we're going to be really close to maxing it out this time around. So, potentially for the first time, you're going to see the Cell pushed to its limits."


I guess I was mistaken and he did have a specific performance metric in mind.

Still, I'm not convinced this isn't marketing wankery. You're maxing out the SPEs? Doing what? Are they producing effects that the player will really notice or are the developers adding some minor refinements to fill up slack capacity?

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
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I'm guessing they're putting the power into things like this:

Purely PR numbers, anybody with just a little bit of common sense would know that it is impossible (in real life) to use the maximum capabilities of every component inside a console at the same time.

On top of that, to say that uncharted will be nearly 100% is to say that no game will run better and look better on the PS3 ever. Seeing as how the full power of the PS2 wasn't even tapped at it's last days, I doubt we'll see the well of the PS3's  full power tapped so early (similarly to how I believe the 360 still has plenty of potential as well).

instead of uncharted 2, sony should make Naughty Dog develop a game to compete with gears of war since naughty dog seems to know how to handle the ps3 potential. uncharted is a good looking game no doubt however the appeal for me just really isn't there. now speaking of uncharted 2 they should have a asian chick as the side kick or whatever her role is to be, last game it was a white chick why not asian chick or black chick or mexican chick in unchartedy 2, naught dog is racist mann i swear. maybe if naughty dog actually showed a little asian love me and my whole freaken asian race might actualy buy this game.



this game is going to be so fucking good

100% of the PS3's power? That's ambitious.

Here's me hoping they succeed!