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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 could hit 28 Million at years end if it follows last years trends

'07 VS '08 – Xbox 360

 (11/3 to 1/5)
(11/1 to 1/3)
% Diff.
Net Diff.
Wk 1 196,864 221,458 +24,594 +12.5% +24,594
Wk 2 197,118 283,294 +86,176 +43.7% +110,770
Wk 3 230,531 320,539 +90,008 +39.0% +200,778
Wk 4 420,083 436,974 +16,891 +4.0% +217,669
Wk 5 325,614 800,140 +474,526 +145.7% +692,195
Wk 6 427,194         645,749
-427,194 +51.2%
Wk 7 509,782
Wk 8 589,617
Wk 9 330,298
Wk 10 220,900

I posted Sqrl's hype thread numbers above as a referrence.

This year there are 3 weeks left before Christmas and 1 week after. The difference is 3.14 million between the current Xbox 360 total and the target of 28 million. If we assume that the week after Christmas will have 300,000 console sales, following the trends set by the Xbox 360 on the H.Y.P.E. thread it would mean the remaining 3 weeks would have to be at or above 940k averaged to reach the 28 million mark.

Looking at the chart, the Xbox 360 sales numbers are more akin to week 5 of the graph, rather than week 6, because the number of weeks until christmas are identical and they both fall immediately after Black Friday. 

The numbers following post black friday last year were: -23%, +31%, +19%, and +16% with the Xbox 360 only dropping 20% rather than 23% from this black friday. So if the Xbox 360 follows last years trends exactly from here it will sell 851,166, 1,012,887, and 1,174,949 on Christmas week to reach a total of 3,039,002 over the last 3 weeks before christmas.

The numbers indicate something interesting is going on, but do you agree? Could the Xbox 360 hit 28 Million the week after Christmas?  


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i hope not, that would kill my end of the year prediction...just kidding i'm glad to see its doin well, and i do think it will sell at least close to that if not that much

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You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.

And to think people thought 26 mill was a stretch. I think the week before christmas will be insane and help it on its way, would really like to know M$ shipment numbers.

Yes I think it can do it!


It will be tough i would like to see them do it but i for some reason doubt they can hit 28 mil. Idk though it would be cool to see them do it

Long Live SHIO!

seece said:
And to think people thought 26 mill was a stretch. I think the week before christmas will be insane and help it on its way, would really like to know M$ shipment numbers.

Yes I think it can do it!


 With NPD sales due tomorrow, I think the words "Xbox 360 undertracked" sound really good right about now!

As for Christmas, yeah its insane! It completely shatters my expectations every time. I always underestimate it because every time I forget just how massive it really is.


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It really depends on the number of Arcade units they ship out...those things are the reason things are so high... they can ship out 2 million of them and the Pro and Elite will make up for the rest

wow that would be pretty sweet if it sold that many. It looks like all my predictions are goina be off.

Yes it will.


Good to see the prediction everyone thought was laughable, turned out to be true.

I made my 27m predict a year ago, FYI.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Squilliam said:
seece said:
And to think people thought 26 mill was a stretch. I think the week before christmas will be insane and help it on its way, would really like to know M$ shipment numbers.

Yes I think it can do it!


 With NPD sales due tomorrow, I think the words "Xbox 360 undertracked" sound really good right about now!

As for Christmas, yeah its insane! It completely shatters my expectations every time. I always underestimate it because every time I forget just how massive it really is.

Oh man that would be awesome if it was undertracked, just so I could shove the numbers in Bigjons face, there I said it :|


That will probably come back to bite me *ahem*


If (and it seems all but certain) the PS3 does not get a price cut anytime soon aka March - September, what lead do you think the 360 will gain on the PS3? Will it reach a "point of no return"?

I must come across as anti sony but thats not true, I applaud M$ this generation, they seem to be fighting this battle the hardest and I think they deserve these sales more than Sony would.