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Squilliam said:
seece said:
And to think people thought 26 mill was a stretch. I think the week before christmas will be insane and help it on its way, would really like to know M$ shipment numbers.

Yes I think it can do it!


 With NPD sales due tomorrow, I think the words "Xbox 360 undertracked" sound really good right about now!

As for Christmas, yeah its insane! It completely shatters my expectations every time. I always underestimate it because every time I forget just how massive it really is.

Oh man that would be awesome if it was undertracked, just so I could shove the numbers in Bigjons face, there I said it :|


That will probably come back to bite me *ahem*


If (and it seems all but certain) the PS3 does not get a price cut anytime soon aka March - September, what lead do you think the 360 will gain on the PS3? Will it reach a "point of no return"?

I must come across as anti sony but thats not true, I applaud M$ this generation, they seem to be fighting this battle the hardest and I think they deserve these sales more than Sony would.