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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did the DQX announcement change your Kingdom Hearts 3 Predictions?

I see KH3 going Wii.

As great as the games look they don't require a lot of power. The Wii could pull it off without a hitch. As for controls, they could do it like in "No More Heroes"; A button to attack, waggle for special moves. The D-pad would either control the menu or the camera.

Its not impossible, people!

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vdoesntforgive said:
wow, you guys.

This "Nomura is a Sony fanboy, and will only make games for them" mindset alot of sony friends seem to be grasping on to is not only bullshit, it's absolutely stupid to think that S-E and Disney will decide on where the game goes based on one mans bias.

They'll look at what demographic is best suited for the game, and choose accordingly. Nothing more.

Didnt Konami wanted MGS4 to be multiplat but Kojima only wanted it for PS3 and look at the outcome.  If Nomura is a Sony fanboy, im sure he can call some big shots as Kojima did. 

V-r0cK said:
vdoesntforgive said:
wow, you guys.

This "Nomura is a Sony fanboy, and will only make games for them" mindset alot of sony friends seem to be grasping on to is not only bullshit, it's absolutely stupid to think that S-E and Disney will decide on where the game goes based on one mans bias.

They'll look at what demographic is best suited for the game, and choose accordingly. Nothing more.

Didnt Konami wanted MGS4 to be multiplat but Kojima only wanted it for PS3 and look at the outcome.  If Nomura is a Sony fanboy, im sure he can call some big shots as Kojima did. 


Ehm no.

Konami = publisher = the one that owns the Metal Gear brand = the one that decides where the game goes = paying Kojima
Kojima = developer = the one that makes the game = paid by Konami

Not saying Kojima has nothing to say, he's probably quite influential, but if Konami wants it on 360 it will happen. And I want to bet everything and then some that if FF13 sells over 2 million on 360, Versus will be on 360 as well. Nomura or no Nomura.


as I said eariler

Mushroom Kingdom Hearts = Wii Exclusive

& in addition to KH3 being multiplat (Wii/360/PS3)

the Wii gets remakes of KH1&2 with or without Wiimote controls

BengaBenga said:
V-r0cK said:
vdoesntforgive said:
wow, you guys.

This "Nomura is a Sony fanboy, and will only make games for them" mindset alot of sony friends seem to be grasping on to is not only bullshit, it's absolutely stupid to think that S-E and Disney will decide on where the game goes based on one mans bias.

They'll look at what demographic is best suited for the game, and choose accordingly. Nothing more.

Didnt Konami wanted MGS4 to be multiplat but Kojima only wanted it for PS3 and look at the outcome.  If Nomura is a Sony fanboy, im sure he can call some big shots as Kojima did. 


Ehm no.

Konami = publisher = the one that owns the Metal Gear brand = the one that decides where the game goes = paying Kojima
Kojima = developer = the one that makes the game = paid by Konami

Not saying Kojima has nothing to say, he's probably quite influential, but if Konami wants it on 360 it will happen. And I want to bet everything and then some that if FF13 sells over 2 million on 360, Versus will be on 360 as well. Nomura or no Nomura.


Wow, I would completely shocked if it sold less than 2 million!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Soriku said:
Someone explain to me where people got this Wii/360/PS3 idea from? WHY would they do that? Especially to their 3rd largest franchise? They're nto doing that with FF (multiplat but their architecture is similar and multiplat PS3/360 games sell better than exclusives anyway). Not with SO (exclusive). Not with DQ (exclusive). And there's a bunch of other exclusives...Chocobo, TLR (timed, still going to HD consoles only), FFCC (exclusive) name it. Why the hell would they suddenly degrade the quality of the KH series by putting it on multiple platforms? Especially when no SE franchise has been PS3/360/Wii and KH games are always exclusive?

Anyone who really thinks PS3/360/Wii will happen is stupid, no offense. It's HD consoles or Wii exclusive, and things to point to Wii exclusive.

Well, SE has been whoring KH enough, why not more.


We have one on PSP, one on DS, one on cellphones, one on GBA, and three on PS2. This series is only six years old!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

it's not out of the realm of possibility, think about it, all those games are exclusive, but would it be easier to change the graphics engine a tad or make 2-3 seperate games?

chain of memories is much more a port than exclusive, so there's one multiplat in the series.


it could happen.


I'm more excited for Mushroom Kingdom Hearts anyways.  Chocobos and Yoshi's, Cloud and Link, Mario and Mickey, way cooler.

yep it did :O

PS3 exlcusive, nuff said.

If it goes Wii exclusive, I will bomb SE. What do Nintendo fans know about HALF of Nomura's work? They don't know about FFVII, VIII, IX, X, and X-2, which is where all the cameos come from, and the story itsself...well they just know nothing