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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - M$ Greenberg talk much smack!

Wow, people actually get all fired up because MS does P.R. for their highly successful console.
(yes wii supporters, we know we know, the Wii is king in sales).

MS is kicking ass and taking names. thats all there is to it.

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Greenberg has more smack talk to deliver, this time it's about Home:

It feels like 2005 tech in 2008. I'm not sure that's what people want,

there is still a "huge gap" between the quality offered by Xbox Live to that of Home.

EA's Trip Hawkins also decided to join the lynch mob with this:

Trip Hawkins said the service was unsure of its target audience.


Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

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I suppose they can enjoy their moment in the sun...lets give them that

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Wow...Just Wow... The ignorance is truly way up in the clouds.

Also... in B4 Red,Chaos & Leo when they see this hell will break loose. o.O

Yeah, well, trash talking goes both ways. They got trashed pretty hard when HD DVD got creamed by the Blu-ray consortium, so I guess MS just feels that the time is ripe for revenge?

But I do agree that MS should be focused on 2009... but I'm sure they know that too, so no big deal.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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ssj12 said:
I believe Sony isnt completely aiming at the same market as Microsoft, I believe they are aiming at the broader market. Home shows that they arent aiming at the same people. They are focusing on both core and casual gamers and also movie watchers.

So what exactly is the 360 focusing on?


On Topic:

I don't think they really said anything wrong. Maybe the single digit market share is harsh but I've heard worse. Also to think they aren't focusing on 2009 because their PR is bragging about the current state of afairs is silly. If we rewind to last year this time no one thought they planned past Christmas 07'. Other than the single digit market shareI think everything else was fine. I can't wait to see how Sony responds!


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Goddbless said:
ssj12 said:
I believe Sony isnt completely aiming at the same market as Microsoft, I believe they are aiming at the broader market. Home shows that they arent aiming at the same people. They are focusing on both core and casual gamers and also movie watchers.

So what exactly is the 360 focusing on?


On Topic:

I don't think they really said anything wrong. Maybe the single digit market share is harsh but I've heard worse. Also to think they aren't focusing on 2009 because their PR is bragging about the current state of afairs is silly. If we rewind to last year this time no one thought they planned past Christmas 07'. Other than the single digit market shareI think everything else was fine. I can't wait to see how Sony responds!



Right, and really, he hit the nail on the head anyway.  A lot of people really did by the PS3 for a BD player.  And while it's still the best player, it's not the cheapest anymore...

Sony's problem was their whole strategy is built around Blu-ray alone.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Sony still hadn't recovered from their string of bad PR. Now, MS is trying to out do them...

Squilliam said:
If hes talking about the U.S market he may be correct, the PS3 could drop to single digit market share. The PS3 had 14% of the market IIRC from the NA-Up thread, so it isn't that far to fall to hit 9%

PS3 9%, Xbox 360 30% and Wii 60% is a real possibility, especially after christmas if the Wii continues to sell the way is has.



I didn't consider US qualifier, but neither did he, so it's open to interpretation.  After the numbers reported by NPD, it CONFIRMS what VGC has been reporting, and what some ps3 fans have been trying to deny...ps3 started 2008 off great, but it ran out of steam....even before 360's price cut.  Will sony cut $100 off the price...maybe, but sony cash-curned ALOT of money last holiday season, and THAT's how they enjoyed a decent bump in early 2008....they can't afford to do so again.  I pointed that out LAST spent a ton of money to win the format war, but in the process, it's going to lose the console war.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Just analysing that Greenberg quote makes my headspin.

“Greenberg says that the key to success in a three console market is to differentiate your console, something he believes Microsoft has managed to do while Sony hasn't.”

(Well, he then goes on to compare apples with starcruisers by saying that X360 is distinguished from the Wii while PS3 isn’t distinguished from the X360. But that is just weird marketing spin.)

But as between the X360 and the PS3 the implication of what he is saying is that:

MS has successfully distinguished itself from the PS3. X360 and PS3 are seen as different.

Sony has not successfully distinguished itself from the X360. X360 and PS3 are seen as the same.

Yeah. They are the same and they are different both at the same time.

Does the guy have a brain – like a real one that does logic?