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Just analysing that Greenberg quote makes my headspin.

“Greenberg says that the key to success in a three console market is to differentiate your console, something he believes Microsoft has managed to do while Sony hasn't.”

(Well, he then goes on to compare apples with starcruisers by saying that X360 is distinguished from the Wii while PS3 isn’t distinguished from the X360. But that is just weird marketing spin.)

But as between the X360 and the PS3 the implication of what he is saying is that:

MS has successfully distinguished itself from the PS3. X360 and PS3 are seen as different.

Sony has not successfully distinguished itself from the X360. X360 and PS3 are seen as the same.

Yeah. They are the same and they are different both at the same time.

Does the guy have a brain – like a real one that does logic?