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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii sales=I don't get it?

     Fist off this is not a knock on Nintendo I have a Wii. I just do not understand the mass appeal of the Wii. The Big games are still the same big games Nintendo has always had. Is it just the fact that the Wii was the cpeapest "next Gen" console. Did Wii Sports Impress that many people? I mean I had every Nintendo Machine so I would have eventually bought a Wii anyway but my kids and wife wanted one so we got one probably faster than I would have on my own. The thing I don't understand is the Mass appeal it has what is so much better than what the N64 or Gamecube offered in their time? Maybe it played off the success of the GBA and DS. Maybe the fact that the other systems seem a little overwhelming to the average person.  I know I still play Wii Sports for some quick fun now and again. I loved the Mario Galaxy it was much better than Sunshine on the Gamecube to me. Just seems wierd that with so many of the same games Nintendo couldn't do more withe the game cube and soooooo much with the Wii. I guess thats the power of marketing because if anything Nintendo sure did market the wii as a machine for eveyone. 

          This Christmas is the most confusing in that I have had the Wii for a while and if there was going to be a slowdown this should have been the year with so few games coming to the Wii this Holiday and so many really good games coming for competitors. How did Nintendo maintain momentum with a very lackluster line-up? If they can do these numbers with a off year what happens when they have AAA games for the Holidays? Please don't be too negative in responding to what you think about the other consoles or Please no wii is a Fad because in its 3rd christmas it is still selling like Crack.     

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NorthStar said:

     Fist off this is not a knock on Nintendo I have a Wii. I just do not understand the mass appeal of the Wii. The Big games are still the same big games Nintendo has always had. 

That's where you're wrong. True, it's still giving us awesome Zeldas, Marios, and Metroids, but it's also delivering fantastic games for the expanded market (Wii Sports, Fit, Music, etc.). This plays a role in the appeal: it's the first console in a long, long time that deliberately tries to appeal to people beyond the traditional gamer, and it does so with original and accessible games. That plays a role, but there's more to it as well.


Because the Wii is awesome and it's continuing to go on it's way to awesomeness.

you don't?

check out malstrom's site

there...some insight..check out the other articles as well

It´s the controls. Go to a market with a Wii demoed and watch people´s reactions. especially adults´ reactions, parents´ reactions, reactions of people who have never played videogames before. Still years after launch, thousands of people, who probably never owned a console before, buy Wiis every week because of the still unique controls.

Same for DS (but this system is a step further. There is no need to demo it anymore, it´s the new gold standard due to the controls and its sensational diverse library. People buy it on the go, they already know what to expect before they buy it, they know what games/applications they want for it).

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My dad knows nothing about games consoles and was amazed when he saw an advert about the Wii, we picked up one a week later. I mean come on he is a GP and was amazed by it so he's not retarded and he has played Super Mario Galaxy, Kart Wii and SSBB.

Nintendo has got everyone into gaming, BRAVO NINTENDO, BRAVO.


i think you are overthinking this here.

1) It offers something completely different from its competitors.

2) Out of the gate, it was the cheapest of its competitors.

3) Whether people like it or not, the motion controls were interesting to the average folk, and i think its easy to understand why.

4) arguably has the most aestheticly Pleasing hardware design.

5) Delivered Fun, New, and UNIQUE ways to play As in Wiisports.

i could keep going on, but i think people will get my point....

F@ck Ubisoft and their commitment to Wii shovelware.

You said it. It's because it was the cheapest console. That's why the 360 is wiping the floor with it now.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Well, thay aren't appealing only to the core gamers. Nintendo has a bunch of casual games that get moms and kids to buy it. Wii sports is a perfect example of what they did, anyone can play it and have mindless fun. That is one of the best system sellers out there, it introduces how much fun someone can have with the Wii's controls.

Some friends come over to your house, play it, love it, and the next time they end up buying a Wii just to play it.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

As far as why it keeps being so popular, it's simple - even though the Wii is lite on new releases this holiday season there are more than enough great games to attract new owners.

Wii Sports
Wii Fit
Mario Galaxy
Smash Bros
Mario Kart

And one thing that Nintendo does right is that their games have lasting appeal. New owners keep buying games that came out years ago for a chance to play them. How many seek out games that came out 2-3 years ago on any other console? In comparison, Nintendogs STILL sells like mad to new DS owners and it was basically a launch title.