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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2: Multiplatform? Apparantly Game Informer knows something we dont

OMG look what I found on the official Konami website!!!

This is bigger then FFXIII

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LJ (Russian):

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realill said:

OMG look what I found on the official Konami website!!!

This is bigger then FFXIII


You rofl'd my waffles.

ethomaz said:
Oh yeah!!! And Halo is multiplatform too.


Sony would happily trade Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 for Halo anything

I can't wait to get my Game Informer now.

They say it's published by Sony and then say it's multiplat.

Nobody is commenting on the fact that they seem to think it's on PC...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Lol, clearly its a misstake.


Printing mistake......happens sometimes.......

Cueil said:
ethomaz said:
Oh yeah!!! And Halo is multiplatform too.


Sony would happily trade Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 for Halo anything

If you mean trading their quality for a game with nothing more than the most basic FPS gameplay, but a huge marketing campaign.........still no


Will the 360 version have mandatory installs?

Easy mistake to make, 90% of the games for the HD twins are 360/PS3/PC.