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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii hits 40 million

I voted 45 million sold by the end of the year. It looks like it's going right on track. I should make more predictions.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

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I'm in the 45 million club. I'm also predicting 2 million Wiis to sell worldwide in the last full week before Christmas.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

famousringo said:
I'm in the 45 million club. I'm also predicting 2 million Wiis to sell worldwide in the last full week before Christmas.


I think it will go something like this (WW)

12/13 - 1.5m
12/20 - 2.0m
12/27 - 1.5m
01/03 - 0.8m

Total sales = 45.9m

(note, my previous post should have been Jan 3rd, not Jan 5th)

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Guys. It's going to be down to 25 million with all of the returns.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

but the juggernaut Wii is a FAD remember?:D jp

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

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TWRoO said:
halogamer1989 said:
Pretendo said:
Next stop SNES.


Yup.  49.10 million for SNES.  Wii will pass that by Christmas.

Erm, no it won't

Not even the most optimistic Wii fans are predicting over 47 million at this point... and not many were predicting that back in January when it was less obvious how high it could get.



60 Million. John Lucas is NEVER wrong. EVER. That link to when he was wrong in his sig is fake and is a figment of everyone's imagination because we are so desperate to prove him wrong.

Gr8 for the Wii. 360 is doing pretty well but I'm surprised that the PS3 wont reach 20 mil as I predicted. 360 stole it's glory :P

Above I'm a proud Gran Turismo fan, not a Sony fanboy, and now a proud 360 owner, but sharing xbox live accts ATM

End of 2009 Predictions (made Jan 1, 2009): My predictions were pretty accurate, the 360 was over and the Wii was just under.

Wii: 65 mil (yea I'm crazy) 360: 35 mil (its getting there) PS3: 30 mil (the slim better do well)

End of 2010 Predictions (made Jan 7, 2010):

Wii: 81 mil  360: 47 mil PS3: 45 mil

RolStoppable said:
Sullla said:
I thought my 42m prediction (see sig) was ambitious when I made it, and I'm likely to fall a couple million short! Wii is crazy.

Well, my Wii prediction (45m) factored in that Nintendo would increase production, but my 360 (24m) and PS3 (18m) numbers were definitely too low. I hoped that both HD consoles would crash and burn.

My predictions I made in January were even lower for x360.... here they are with additional comments as to what that prediction is now.

DS: 93 million [will turn out low]
Wii: 46 million [close to reality]
PSP: 39 million [very low]
360: 23 million [very low]
PS3 19 million [slightly low]

Then in May I updated

DS: 89 million [very low]
Wii: 44 million [quite low]
PSP: 41 million [still very low]
360: 24 million [better, but still low]
PS3: 21 million [slightly high]

Then in September:

DS: 94 million [slightly low]
Wii: 45 million [about right, perhaps a little low]
PSP: 44 million [about right]
360: 25 million [still too low]
PS3: 21 million [still too high]

yeah !! the gods guys always win !

nordlead said:
With my insider knowledge, we should be seeing something like

Wii - 46m
X360 - 26m
PS3 - 20m

by Jan 5, 09.

Nintendo forcasts shipping ~52m by March 31, 09. Even if we say 8 million of those are sold in 09, you are still looking at ~44m units. But Nintendo also admitted to upping production in November/December by a small undisclosed amount.

!!! I am SHOCKED.

Wii - 46m (+ 4.84M)
X360 - 26m (+ 0.82M)
PS3 - 20m (+ 1.92M)


Do you honestly expect the Ps3 to sell more than double of the 360?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS