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Forums - General Discussion - What Was the Naughtiest/Nicest thing you did this year?

I don't care because I don't celebrate Christmas!

Former something....

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I'm... I am pretty much always nice. Sometimes I don't get enough sleep though.

damkira said:

What if she called her teacher Mr. Nigger? Would you delete the post then?

I don't care if she doesn't like her teacher.. there's no reason to use bigotted slurs here.



Like I said, I'm not her mother.  What she does at school is her schools or mothers business and their own failings.  If she calls someone here a fag the banhammer will swing and swing hard but she's simply following the thread topic: what did she do this year that was bad?  She called her teacher a fag.

I'm not saying that's right or that it was called for, I'm just saying I can't tell her to behave at school, I can only tell her to behave here.

I asked her here and in a message to edit her post to not be so bad but that's all I'm going to do (assuming she does edit her post).  If you'd like, I'm pefectly fine with you bringing this to Naz's attention.

That depends on your definition of naughty. Granted, I have done plenty of "naughty" things with girls....

Naughtiest thing: My little girl was watching me play Snake Eater on the PS2 in preperation for MGS4. A rabbit hopped accross the screen. "Look daddy! A bunny!!", she said. I shot the rabbit. It exploded into a can of rations. My kid cried and cried.

Runner up: If I printed it, I'd probably lose my job.

Nicest thing: Found a child who ran away from home. That was pretty nice.

Runner up: Let Elgefe02 and disolitude beat me in Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. I felt sorry for them, so I didn't do my best..........


I'm kidding, elgefe and bimmy!  Please show mercy!!

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Come on kids don't let this one die.

nice: i beat chrono trigger for the first time in years
naughty:too many things to mention


Add this to my naughty list:

Back in October, I was dating this hot girl who really had nothing going for herself except for the fact that she was hot. She was living with her sister, her sister's husband, and their two sons. One of them has seizures all of the time. Well, the girl invited me over and everybody went to sleep leaving the two of us up to watch a movie. I'm a jerk, and I started making out with the girl. She led me to her room where we started having sex. Her brother heard us, and woke up, and had a seizure right there on the spot. He hit his head pretty good, too.