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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Could Have Changed 1 Thing in Each Console's Release

TRios_Zen said:
Wii - no change
360 - no RROD
PS3 - no wi-fi (give your consumers choice) and lower price.

IF 360 didn't have the stigma of the RROD and the PS3 launched at a reasonable entry price can you imagine what VGCHARTZ would look like then??

The 20GB lacked wi-fi, but that model was only in US and Japan

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Wii- motion plus from the beginning
360- fix the damn hardware issues MS
PS3- something affordable plz

TRios_Zen said:
Wii - no change
360 - no RROD
PS3 - no wi-fi (give your consumers choice) and lower price.

IF 360 didn't have the stigma of the RROD and the PS3 launched at a reasonable entry price can you imagine what VGCHARTZ would look like then??


No wi-fi would have very little if any effect on the price.  The Wii has wi-fi as well.  It is the BR drive and the Cell that are expensive.

on topic:  Wii - add a second controller to the console

PS3 - Obvious price issue

360 - A Quality control department.

PS3 - Sony offered way too many games at launch, thus intimidating their prospective customers into buying other systems. I'd have narrowed it down to just one launch title (it worked out nicely for the Wii).
360 - I'm not sure what the RROD rate was for the first batches, but I've heard something like 60%. I suspect it might have been even higher, but it's still unacceptable. I think they could have easily gotten it to 90+% with a little effort.
Wii - I would have ditched the motion controls, added HD graphics, and focused on hardcore games. Maybe then it wouldn't have such dismal sales numbers.

More colors for the Wii would be a bad idea, people would prefer certain color over the other, meaning that the Wii would sell out in, say, white, and leave orange on the shelves waiting to be sold to a specific consumer.

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Pete_Beast said:
More colors for the Wii would be a bad idea, people would prefer certain color over the other, meaning that the Wii would sell out in, say, white, and leave orange on the shelves waiting to be sold to a specific consumer.


 These things are tested first, they don't just release a colour and pray that it sells, tonnes of market research goes down, many consultations with higher ups on colour choices, then the different coloured consoles are manufactured to demand.

Wii: 20 Gig harddrive
PS3: Price
360: Better hardware

kutasek said:
Wii- more units at launch.
Xbox 360- tested their console more.
ps3- where do i start, High price point, no worldwide release, Lack of availability, lack of launch games, sixaxis, crappy advertising, bullshit PR.


The PS3 actually launched with more titles than what the 360 had at launch

ps3 had 15 in the US and 3 additonal Japan only titles for a total of 18 / 360 launched with 13 in the US only.

wii - motion plus from the start
360 - no RROD
ps3 - no blu-ray, thus bringing the price down to 360 levels

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

PS3: the price
Xbox360: quieter, no rrod and a better look (it looks so cheaply made imo)
Wii: add a HDD and able to play DVDs out of the box (never hurt the PS2 so why not)