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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Whats Next For Nintendo?

RolStoppable said:
coolestguyever said:
theRepublic said:

Phoenix_Wiight said:

3) Package an extra controller with the Wii2 that doesn't use motion controls, so no one can complain about not liking them

If Nintendo wants motion controls to be standard, and I think they do, this would be a very bad idea.

 Mark my words, motion controls will never be standard. They will always be optional. I for one, will never switch to motion controls.


Controllers are the standard, motion controls are new and innovative

Wiimote/Nunchuk are already becoming the established standard.

Btw, your words can't be trusted. Just a couple of weeks ago you had an end of 2010 prediction for Wii sales of 61m in your signature.

He expected the Wii to sell 6m units in 2010 did he

That sounds likee the kind of person who doesn't like motion controls, to me

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I hope a Wii version which is able to show HD graphics, 780p maximum is fine with me. I don't care about Full HD. People shouldn't be forced to buy the HD console if they don't want to, besides, PS3 games can also be displayed in even 576i if you want to.

I don't mind the GFX's, its just that with games like Endless Ocean it makes the image so much more clearer when displayed in HD. Plus games suchs as Prince of Persia and mayb, maybe even FFXIII would have been more optional. Not to imagine Beyond Good & Evil.

Plus an internal HDD of at least 10GB, no more friends codes but user ID's, just like with the PS3 / 360 and so to be able to download your bought games at least more than just once.

Plus better online service, Nintendo Channel is pretty slow when it comes to showing videos. A video needs to load into the buffer entirely for a long time before it plays right from the start till the end without stopping, and that with Broadband connection.

Oh yeah and I don't wish to return to the normal control pad. Motion controls for the world! I miss them on my PS3.

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Classic controller was put there for Virtual console. Dpad on the Wiimote was too small, the two analog are for N64 titles.

The key note is that the controller is reffered to as classice even though nearly all of it's features are readily available on the Xbox360 and PS3 controllers.

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I'm pretty sure after this gen is over, they will finally have a core fanbase. As far as whats next for them, I have high hopes they will have something huge.


most realistic people already answered what I has in mind..

let's ignore the non-believers who shun motion-controls..

since they never migrated from using a game pad..I'm sure

so indeed :Classic Controller is indeed a better version of the Dual Shock 3 or XboXCon

and it's seen as Classic...once every new gen gamer sees those types of controls as's not the standard anymore..motion controls are WAY better

even if it's not use with motion the Wiimote alone mean gaming with one hand!
nunchuck? two hands separated..

it's way more relaxing than playing with a normal controller..despite what HD fanboys say

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Khuutra said:
coolestguyever said:
theRepublic said:

Phoenix_Wiight said:

3) Package an extra controller with the Wii2 that doesn't use motion controls, so no one can complain about not liking them

If Nintendo wants motion controls to be standard, and I think they do, this would be a very bad idea.


 Mark my words, motion controls will never be standard. They will always be optional. I for one, will never switch to motion controls.


Controllers are the standard, motion controls are new and innovative

They said the same thing about gamepads in '84, you know

Maybe they did, but I remember hating gamepads when I first started using them.  The Wii controllers are much more natural and I much prefer using them to PS360 controllers.  There's a difference between marketing hype and real world experience.


Nintendo will make the Wii2 (or whatever it's called) to suit their games not 3rd parties, as always. Frankly HD will do little to enhance Mario, Kirby, etc. Link yes, Toon Link, no. So while it may be included because it's standard it may still be less than gamers expect.

Nintendo may keep Wii alive for a long time actually, possibly 10+ years. As long as it's selling strong who cares if it's competing with the PS3 or the PS4? Nintendo won't. Nintendo will keep making games (and peripherials) for a broad range of people and won't replace the Wii until they feel they can't do any more with it and it's sales drop off.

I expect a Wii2 would allow better online, especially social exchanges. Likely it'll be a blend of games system, tv, phone, facebook, youtube, internet, with movie downloads (3rd party supplier) etc. You can see shades of this already, especially in Japan where they have access to tv on Wii, books on Wii, Wii Speak, etc.

Control wise - maintain (wm+) motion control but expand it too. I expect the Wii2 sensor bar would have a built in mike and camera so it could be used for video conferencing, full body tracking and scanning yourself right into the game. A balanceboard slim might also be included.


In terms of Home console, perhaps more wish-ful thinking than anything:

1 - They'll keep motion-controls. If Wii Motion PLUS is so great, one can only IMAGINE what the next console will be like.

2 - The console will be cheap compared to it's competitors. Remember, they won't be adding a DVD player to it, atleast not for the time being.

3 - The console will be small, perhaps smaller and lighter than the Wii.

4 - Online will be improved, we don't really want to face another "Brawl Online Crisis" again, do we?

5 - Graphics can't stay behind; sure, they don't have to meet what the PS4 and X720 will deliver, but we can assume that they'll atleast be better than what the PS3 and 360 give out, atleast meet those specs.

6 - Keep expanding the market: This strategy has OBVIOUSLY worked for Nintendo this gen, so they'll keep releasing titles for everyone to enjoy, meaning the "Wii" line-up may not die, even if the console's name changes.

7 - Capture (back) the core gamers. Sure, they aren't what make up the majority of the Wii buyers, but Nintendo needs to step it up in terms of what hard-core gamers want (assmunig this isn't done this generation).

8 - Perhaps related to the above, get more 3rd party support (this is, again, assuming that they don't do it this gen).

9 - Keep releasing first-party games. Nintendo games are what are selling most, so keep releasing them on the next console.

10 - Keep innovation at the top of their heads.

^^ The list is perhaps some ways that Nintendo can better their next console and not so much on what they'll actually do. I think most, if not all people here would agree with me on these "top 10".

*~Onna76~* said:

Plus an internal HDD of at least 10GB, no more friends codes but user ID's, just like with the PS3 / 360 and so to be able to download your bought games at least more than just once.


 I'm a little confused about the last part.  You can download the games you buy on the shop channel more than once, but I basically agree with the rest.


famousringo said:
psychoBrew said:

Nintendo can either grab a slice of the hardcore market and be more competitive with graphics (this market is crowded though), or continue inovating (stereoscopic 3d would probably sell numberous consoles, especially when used with a Wiimote).


 Nintendo's already tried that. It didn't go over very well. Nowadays, stereoscopic 3D is even more of a non-starter, since it would demolish the social aspect of gaming which Nintendo has worked so hard to build up with the Wii.

Next generation will largely be a refinement of ideas which are driving this generation. Wii 2 will have HD, tighter controls, a more elegant online experience, and an even greater emphasis on social gaming. They'll squeeze in as much tech as they can for $250-300 without taking a loss on the hardware. The next revolution will come the generation after that.

Seriously?  Are the titles available for WiiWare?

You can do stereoscopic and be somewhat social online, but I see your point.  I can also imagine it would be a potential hazard waggling away on the Wiimote while locked in a 3d virtual world.