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Nintendo will make the Wii2 (or whatever it's called) to suit their games not 3rd parties, as always. Frankly HD will do little to enhance Mario, Kirby, etc. Link yes, Toon Link, no. So while it may be included because it's standard it may still be less than gamers expect.

Nintendo may keep Wii alive for a long time actually, possibly 10+ years. As long as it's selling strong who cares if it's competing with the PS3 or the PS4? Nintendo won't. Nintendo will keep making games (and peripherials) for a broad range of people and won't replace the Wii until they feel they can't do any more with it and it's sales drop off.

I expect a Wii2 would allow better online, especially social exchanges. Likely it'll be a blend of games system, tv, phone, facebook, youtube, internet, with movie downloads (3rd party supplier) etc. You can see shades of this already, especially in Japan where they have access to tv on Wii, books on Wii, Wii Speak, etc.

Control wise - maintain (wm+) motion control but expand it too. I expect the Wii2 sensor bar would have a built in mike and camera so it could be used for video conferencing, full body tracking and scanning yourself right into the game. A balanceboard slim might also be included.