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I hope a Wii version which is able to show HD graphics, 780p maximum is fine with me. I don't care about Full HD. People shouldn't be forced to buy the HD console if they don't want to, besides, PS3 games can also be displayed in even 576i if you want to.

I don't mind the GFX's, its just that with games like Endless Ocean it makes the image so much more clearer when displayed in HD. Plus games suchs as Prince of Persia and mayb, maybe even FFXIII would have been more optional. Not to imagine Beyond Good & Evil.

Plus an internal HDD of at least 10GB, no more friends codes but user ID's, just like with the PS3 / 360 and so to be able to download your bought games at least more than just once.

Plus better online service, Nintendo Channel is pretty slow when it comes to showing videos. A video needs to load into the buffer entirely for a long time before it plays right from the start till the end without stopping, and that with Broadband connection.

Oh yeah and I don't wish to return to the normal control pad. Motion controls for the world! I miss them on my PS3.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo