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In terms of Home console, perhaps more wish-ful thinking than anything:

1 - They'll keep motion-controls. If Wii Motion PLUS is so great, one can only IMAGINE what the next console will be like.

2 - The console will be cheap compared to it's competitors. Remember, they won't be adding a DVD player to it, atleast not for the time being.

3 - The console will be small, perhaps smaller and lighter than the Wii.

4 - Online will be improved, we don't really want to face another "Brawl Online Crisis" again, do we?

5 - Graphics can't stay behind; sure, they don't have to meet what the PS4 and X720 will deliver, but we can assume that they'll atleast be better than what the PS3 and 360 give out, atleast meet those specs.

6 - Keep expanding the market: This strategy has OBVIOUSLY worked for Nintendo this gen, so they'll keep releasing titles for everyone to enjoy, meaning the "Wii" line-up may not die, even if the console's name changes.

7 - Capture (back) the core gamers. Sure, they aren't what make up the majority of the Wii buyers, but Nintendo needs to step it up in terms of what hard-core gamers want (assmunig this isn't done this generation).

8 - Perhaps related to the above, get more 3rd party support (this is, again, assuming that they don't do it this gen).

9 - Keep releasing first-party games. Nintendo games are what are selling most, so keep releasing them on the next console.

10 - Keep innovation at the top of their heads.

^^ The list is perhaps some ways that Nintendo can better their next console and not so much on what they'll actually do. I think most, if not all people here would agree with me on these "top 10".