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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here thinks FFVXIII will go multiplat.?

RPG said:
Dianko said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Dianko

Uum in Japan (where Versus XIII will matter the most) the PS3s userbase is higher than the 360's and how have the sales of ANY SE JRPG (IN ANY REGION) on the 360 lead you to that conclusion?


 SE is not going to make the decision based on either consoles userbase in JAPAN. PS3 sells like shit, and 360 sells even worse. This is a Final Fantasy game, it will sell in America, and it will sell in Europe. So the question they would be asking is, is it worth it giving up on the 40 million + plus userbase the 360 will likely have by the time this game launches? I think it's foolish for anybody to make any arguments regarding HD exclusivity that hinges on sales in Japan.


Your digging yourself in it deeper and deeper, best you stop while your behind.

he made some very valid points based on multiple things. granted i feel its a bit closer to launch so i dont think the 360 will be at 40 million then, but if the game dose not come out until 2011 it could be a userbase over 40 million. or do you assume the 360 will just stop selling when the year turns to 09

i think what they will watch is how many people pick up ffviii when it comes out on the 360, and based on that make a decision for versus. a port to the 360 can be done quickly, in the same amount of time, that a language dubing can be done, so they could wait until 6 months before launch to say hey this is a mulitplat 


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RPG said:
I don't need to predict, JRPG of high production values are hitting the PS3 this and next year. I am saying that when the time comes for the release of FF Versus the PS3 numbers compared to 360 in Japan will be huge so no need for it to go onto 360.

Every week the gap between 360 and PS3 widens where JRPG sell most, want to guess where that is. BTW good on you going into journalism, bravo.

alright i get what your saying i now i guess i just misread what you were trying to say. I agree that sony has an extremley strong lineup on the way and all these doom and gloom threads about the death of ps3 are just dumb. I think Versus 13 will stay on the ps3 and not go to 360 and rightfully so. Just as xbox has halo and gears sony has versus and god of war as well as others. 360 is already getting 13 whats the point of sending every game multiplat on both systems?

The one thing people do not understand is how business works, you have to keep other businesses happy in order to make your business successful. FFXIII went to 360 but SE kept it exclusive where Sony wanted it most, then a few months after that FF Agito, PE3 were announced for PSP and Versus a worldwide exclusive.

Why do you think SE did all that? It's to keep Sony happy, now if they went through all that just to put Versus on 360 Wada wont be making any friends. Nomura wants it to stay PS3 exclusive so Wada would piss off Sony and his most important dev just for a million extra sales.

Business is business, you have to think of the future not just gains in the present.


Dianko said:

I don't think Sony is in a position to complain. Beggars can't be choosers, and if they lose exclusivity and did nothing to try and keep it, that would their fault. They did not provide the userbase SE wanted/expected to keep these games exclusive, a consequence of their asinine $600 launch price. At this point, they should be glad that they're still getting these games, instead of them moving exclusively to the 360 or Wii.



That is very true.

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According to this site the 360 requires another 170 thousand sales to hit the big 1 million, the PS3 is at 2.57 million.

Any guesses on what the PS3 number will be WHEN the 360 reaches 1 million?


I don't think and truly HOPE it doesn't go to 360.
Tetsuya Nomura has told all of his staff to completely ignore the fact that the Final Fantasy XIII is treasonous to the PS3 because they were going to still stay the course. He says that they will do with the PS3 that FFXIII won't because it is now multiplat. I believe he might have already begun to fill the BluRay disc(maybe on the second one????)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
I don't think and truly HOPE it doesn't go to 360.
Tetsuya Nomura has told all of his staff to completely ignore the fact that the Final Fantasy XIII is treasonous to the PS3 because they were going to still stay the course. He says that they will do with the PS3 that FFXIII won't because it is now multiplat. I believe he might have already begun to fill the BluRay disc(maybe on the second one????)


Could you link me to this?

perpride said:
forevercloud3000 said:
I don't think and truly HOPE it doesn't go to 360.
Tetsuya Nomura has told all of his staff to completely ignore the fact that the Final Fantasy XIII is treasonous to the PS3 because they were going to still stay the course. He says that they will do with the PS3 that FFXIII won't because it is now multiplat. I believe he might have already begun to fill the BluRay disc(maybe on the second one????)


Could you link me to this?


That guy is talking out his bum, pay no atttention. Nomura did however say that they would fully utilize the PS3 with FF Versus, something I never heard when FFXIII was still an exclusive. What I do know is that FF Versus is being built on a modified version of the white engine FFXIII is using so it will naturally push the system more.



Nomura is too much of a Sony fanboy..

jking. Maybe.. you never know with SE these days.

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