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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here thinks FFVXIII will go multiplat.?

I don't see why not, the thing I am waiting for is the reaction from Sony. I mean come on, a second time they are blatantly lied to I just cant see Sony saying nothing about it.

Were at a point now where everyone thinks the PS3 should not have a 3rd party exclusive and think it's getting rather out of hand, every console needs exclusives and that too not just first or second party.

I will smash my 360 and PS3 is SO4 does not go multi-plat though, if it does not happen at least I will know SE are mad.


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It would be more logical for it to be multi-platform but it depends more on who's giving the most money between MS and Sony.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Final fantasy versus XIII will not go multiplatform. It should stay exclusive. You guys should at least be happy final fantasy xiii is multiplatform. If this game went multi platform, they would announced it the same day as the other game at E3 2008.


Square Enix would probably have announced it at the same time as they did with XIII. All they will do by announcing it later is lose their credibility and I doubt they want that very much.

of course it will

i was right about tekken and I'm right now , yes I have a crystal ball in fact I just threw it away I don't need it to say that versus will go multi

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It's a wild guess.


RPG said:
I don't see why not, the thing I am waiting for is the reaction from Sony. I mean come on, a second time they are blatantly lied to I just cant see Sony saying nothing about it.

Were at a point now where everyone thinks the PS3 should not have a 3rd party exclusive and think it's getting rather out of hand, every console needs exclusives and that too not just first or second party.

I will smash my 360 and PS3 is SO4 does not go multi-plat though, if it does not happen at least I will know SE are mad.

 I don't think Sony is in a position to complain. Beggars can't be choosers, and if they lose exclusivity and did nothing to try and keep it, that would their fault. They did not provide the userbase SE wanted/expected to keep these games exclusive, a consequence of their asinine $600 launch price. At this point, they should be glad that they're still getting these games, instead of them moving exclusively to the 360 or Wii.

ffv13 probably not, ff14 and so on . most likely.





Very likely and maybe this game will come to japan too (360), its all about the sales of the hardware on the west and the sales of XIII on the 360...

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Dianko

Uum in Japan (where Versus XIII will matter the most) the PS3s userbase is higher than the 360's and how have the sales of ANY SE JRPG (IN ANY REGION) on the 360 lead you to that conclusion?

I think the Wii is just as important for his point.