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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 10 over-rated games of 2008

I agree with GTA4. I didn't realize civilization or burnout were rated highly?

Wii fit i agree with. I don't even call it a game, its more just an accessory for working out.

I agree with MGS4. If your a fan of the series you love it, but someone like me who never played the first 3 might not find it that great.

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Interesting was bound to get some people spun up. Overrated........the majority of the list I would There are some really great games on that list, so it would be interesting to see what the author considers to be the definition of "overrated".

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I have to agree with Mass Effect being overrated-great story, lame combat
I personally think that Mass Effect is much more overratted than GTAIV.

Hmm many people calling GTAIV and LBP. Seems like how well influenced reviewers are, and most of how unreliable, don't you think?

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Riachu said:
I have to agree with Mass Effect being overrated-great story, lame combat
I personally think that Mass Effect is much more overratted than GTAIV.

That is fine and dandy but Mass Effect was a 2007 release.


I'm going to give the author the benefit of the doubt and assume this is a joke list. So many of the reasons didn't make any sense and/or were completely vague, so I'm going to assume he wasn't serious when writing this. Sounds to me like he was just trying to pick the most popular games.



I agree that GTA IV and Braid was a little overrated, but not Left 4 Dead or Mass Effect.

Havent played 10-5 but 1-4 are correct IMO

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C'mon, picking mainly big/hyped titles and saying they were overrated? Lazy article at best.

There's a few titles on there that were over-hyped - but I don't think any are overrated particularly.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...