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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will HD consoles be forgotten?

the difference is, hd console owners actually play their games a lot.

wii games are played by their owners maybe once a week, or even less on average.

so no, hd consoles will not be forgotten. third parties currently ignore the wii for the most part. majority of owners are casual (look at call of duty world at war sales on the wii) that only play very seldom.

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bugrimmar said:
the difference is, hd console owners actually play their games a lot.

wii games are played by their owners maybe once a week, or even less on average.

so no, hd consoles will not be forgotten. third parties currently ignore the wii for the most part. majority of owners are casual (look at call of duty world at war sales on the wii) that only play very seldom.


 I agree.


bugrimmar said:
the difference is, hd console owners actually play their games a lot.

wii games are played by their owners maybe once a week, or even less on average.

so no, hd consoles will not be forgotten. third parties currently ignore the wii for the most part. majority of owners are casual (look at call of duty world at war sales on the wii) that only play very seldom.

From exactly what part of your ass did you pull that out?

darthdevidem01 said:
No-one wil forget PS3 as it has the best game ever MGS4 on it.

No-one will forget 360 cus it has GEOW...the game that defined the first part of this gen. (well it was the first which showed what kind of grfx were possible)

& please do not use DQX as an example of wii 3rd party support to come.

Thei mportant thing about DQX is how it's indicative of Japanese developer trends. Not Western ones.

Someone suggested that the 360 and PS3 are roughly equivalent to the PCs of last generation and the generation before in terms of Western support, and that's pretty true I suppose.

chasmatic12 said:
bugrimmar said:
the difference is, hd console owners actually play their games a lot.

wii games are played by their owners maybe once a week, or even less on average.

so no, hd consoles will not be forgotten. third parties currently ignore the wii for the most part. majority of owners are casual (look at call of duty world at war sales on the wii) that only play very seldom.

From exactly what part of your ass did you pull that out?

Oh the visual!  Because you know he did, I couldn't help but visualize it.  Now it won't leave me head!

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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chasmatic12 said:
bugrimmar said:
the difference is, hd console owners actually play their games a lot.

wii games are played by their owners maybe once a week, or even less on average.

so no, hd consoles will not be forgotten. third parties currently ignore the wii for the most part. majority of owners are casual (look at call of duty world at war sales on the wii) that only play very seldom.

From exactly what part of your ass did you pull that out?

His pituitary gland (which he clearly keeps there, along with the rest of his brain).  Gotta keep those adolescent aggression/domination hormones rushing around, you know.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Doubtful. I never forgot about my GC and Xbox, considering I never owned a PS2. So I doubt people will forget about PS3 and 360.

The point is this generation, all consoles have enough games that are great to really cherish each console in the future. Last gen it wasn't so much that way as PS2 had most of them, GC had the first party, and Xbox didn't have that many. But this gen is more split so I think we'll still be talking about all 3 in 2010.

I just hope the fanboys will shut up and admit all 3 have great games and they are all great consoles but not all could have won.

Finally someone that makes sense , no console of this generation will be forgotten simply because there never was a console generation as good as this one both in terms of quality games and sales
Ps3 sure is not doing as good as predicted but thats mainly sony,s fault but none the less it will do great numbers in the future its a console most people want to buy but consider it for now  both too expensive and that at the moment there are better gaming experiences at a lower price
360 is really doing well and it deserves to do well, with the price and games it has the success its having in these last couple of months is a matter of justice for Microsoft and all the effort they have made with the 360
Wii is really the biggest success story ever in the gaming world in my opinion they have generated such a hipe machine around it that its really hard to understand ,i sure cant ,its got to be the most important brand of the last couple of years rivaling with ipod or google and long surpassing playstation brand by now ,this console is so unpredictable that it has many developers still trying to figure what do these people that buy wii´s want to play besides party or family friendly games many have tried and failed so far while others have enjoyed great success

ha no too much money the devs have spent on making some of their game and engines or what not to just abondon and drop a console. I'm just expecting Gear 3, 4, 5. Call of Duty #. Killzone #, Raibow six vegas # ect.

And if at worst case, these will just become the next dreamcast. It will be considered a huge looser in the gen, but you "Hardcore Gamers" will always state that the dreamcast (ps3/360) was the best an dwishes it would have won cause it was so awesome and so and so game ect.

This gen isnt over =)

