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Finally someone that makes sense , no console of this generation will be forgotten simply because there never was a console generation as good as this one both in terms of quality games and sales
Ps3 sure is not doing as good as predicted but thats mainly sony,s fault but none the less it will do great numbers in the future its a console most people want to buy but consider it for now  both too expensive and that at the moment there are better gaming experiences at a lower price
360 is really doing well and it deserves to do well, with the price and games it has the success its having in these last couple of months is a matter of justice for Microsoft and all the effort they have made with the 360
Wii is really the biggest success story ever in the gaming world in my opinion they have generated such a hipe machine around it that its really hard to understand ,i sure cant ,its got to be the most important brand of the last couple of years rivaling with ipod or google and long surpassing playstation brand by now ,this console is so unpredictable that it has many developers still trying to figure what do these people that buy wii´s want to play besides party or family friendly games many have tried and failed so far while others have enjoyed great success