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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will HD consoles be forgotten?

why would anyone forget HD consoles, they are the were the future is headed, even the next nintendo console will be HD capable...or perhaps your looking to revert technology and go back to the days where colour was so overated and black and white screens were all the rage, is that it?

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Sure it will, not like PS2, but like DS... of course, that's still questionable option. Will or will not a Wii follow the trend of DS? There's a possibility, but if Wii = DS, which one is PSP? PS3\X360? I doubt PS3\X360 = PSP, 'cos PSP really sucks in terms of game support, well, at least not as good as DS. That's a comfortable for fanboys to say Wii = DS, but I'd say... let's wait for Super Wii or whaterver Ninty calls it. Anyway I'll admit to calm down fanboys... 7th generation is a Wii generation with no doubt, huge impact on industry and a huge success for Nintendo, well done.

//And I just don't get it why a home console market leader should be like PS\PS2? PS\PS2 in any way NOT a NES\SNES, so why Wii should be like PS2? I just don't get it.

Soriku said:
Jereel Hunter said:
One_touch_KO said:

At some point last gen, people stoped to fight about console wars, and throwing out titles, PS2 was the dominant, no more talk about Gamecube or Xbox, period.


When will it happen IF happens this gen?


My bet is going to 2010, the Wii will be massified, it will define this gen. Will become the nº1 platform for developers just like DS is now and PSP is almost dead for thirds.

(Today's news of Dragon Quest X exclusive for Wii is the proof and just the beggining)



Wii has not yet taken 50% marketshare. Last generation, Gamecube and Xbox combines to fight for 30-35% of the market. the 360 has 30% by itself. Despite the popularity of the Wii, it will never capture the marketshare PS2 had. And while it's share is still creeping up, it's likely to end at slightly less than it's current share, not more. I'd guess around 45% when all is said and done.


But the Wii'll outsell the PS2.


I agree. This generation is pacing to be bigger than the last though. Wii will outsell the PS2, Xbox360 has already outsold
Xbox, and PS3 will outsell gamecube.

You think people are going to forget about HD consles what are you on right now man?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

c0rd said:
Jereel Hunter said:
One_touch_KO said:

At some point last gen, people stoped to fight about console wars, and throwing out titles, PS2 was the dominant, no more talk about Gamecube or Xbox, period.


When will it happen IF happens this gen?


My bet is going to 2010, the Wii will be massified, it will define this gen. Will become the nº1 platform for developers just like DS is now and PSP is almost dead for thirds.

(Today's news of Dragon Quest X exclusive for Wii is the proof and just the beggining)

Wii has not yet taken 50% marketshare. Last generation, Gamecube and Xbox combines to fight for 30-35% of the market. the 360 has 30% by itself. Despite the popularity of the Wii, it will never capture the marketshare PS2 had. And while it's share is still creeping up, it's likely to end at slightly less than it's current share, not more. I'd guess around 45% when all is said and done.

Meh, I agree with your first bit, but don't really get how people can still believe that last part.

Are you one that believes the PS3 will make a miracle comeback, or one that thinks the Wii will soon plunge in sales? At least one must be true if we take the current momentum into account.


Well, 45% marketshare is still the dominant winner of the generation... 360 momentum is increasing, and while I don't expect the PS3 to make a miracle comeback, I expect them to make *some* small inroads into this gen's marketshare. Wii has what right now, like 48-49% of MS? so I'm guessing a loss of 3-4%? I think the PS3 is likely to sell a lot better when it's price drops. (Not a miracle, not even expecting it to overtake the 360) but I think end of generation expectations of MS hanging onto 30%, and Sony making up enough ground to end at 25%... I think that's reasonable.

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fulcizombie said:
All this because of the DQX announcement ??? The dq series is only popular in Japan just like the monster hunter series so they , naturally , went the wii/DS way.

99% of big japanese franchises and .....100% of western franchises are and will be 360/PS3 .I somehow doubt that the people that have made the wii a sales' phenomenon even care about them .

I guess nintendo fanboys can always hope ......


You're kidding, right?

Oh man, that was funny.. haha.

Wait... you're not kidding? Oh dear...

If I think about last Generation I don't think about how much the consoles sold. Heck only the people on VGCHARTZ now that and a few others on other forums.

what he means is that the wii will become so huge that it will start getting the support. DQx is only the beginning. when in gets to over 50% companies will start shifting. I mean it is cheaper to make games on it and it looks better than a ps2. so people will like it. beleive me there will be a point where the graphics won´t be even disccused because the human can not notice the difference to a point. we could notice the difference nes-snes. ps1-ps2. ps2-ps3. after this gen the difference won´t matter becuase they will all look good.sure you can go up from the ps2-360 in graphics but your eye will hardly notice the difference. the difference will only technical terms

jake_the_fake1 said:
why would anyone forget HD consoles, they are the were the future is headed, even the next nintendo console will be HD capable...or perhaps your looking to revert technology and go back to the days where colour was so overated and black and white screens were all the rage, is that it?

HD itself isn't going away, of course, but it will be remembered for what it is: marginally sharper pictures and nothing more.

This is the context in which the 360 and PS3 will be remembered, much in the same way that the Vectrex will be remembered if vector monitors ever catch on: early attempts to bring the technology to the masses, but attempts which ultimately failed to gain traction because they brought nothing of substance to the table.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

most people here only talk about ps360, i can't count how many which will win this and that thread and there no mention of the wii, i personally think the wii will be the one being forgotten by hardcore gamers, because they all know the wii has won this gen so there's no point in mentioning it, i say by early 2010 you wont see many threads about the wii anymore

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.