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Sure it will, not like PS2, but like DS... of course, that's still questionable option. Will or will not a Wii follow the trend of DS? There's a possibility, but if Wii = DS, which one is PSP? PS3\X360? I doubt PS3\X360 = PSP, 'cos PSP really sucks in terms of game support, well, at least not as good as DS. That's a comfortable for fanboys to say Wii = DS, but I'd say... let's wait for Super Wii or whaterver Ninty calls it. Anyway I'll admit to calm down fanboys... 7th generation is a Wii generation with no doubt, huge impact on industry and a huge success for Nintendo, well done.

//And I just don't get it why a home console market leader should be like PS\PS2? PS\PS2 in any way NOT a NES\SNES, so why Wii should be like PS2? I just don't get it.