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^^Lets hope so. I mean, if I could have multiple people on Home on one PS3, it would be fun to do bowling and arcade games with the family or gf, but playing with friends or strangers over Home in a game of virtual bowling just doesn't have the same appeal as playing with them on the same TV or actually bowling with them in real life.

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This should be awesome.

Well yea.... can't really call it an official release.... It's the Open Beta, technically you can pretty much say it's the launched availability of a Demo :P

4 ≈ One

Oh it is as official of a release as you can get with Home. Once it is available to everyone, it will only see updates and such. Even if it isn't a full package right now, they are releasing it to everyone and will update it as it goes. You can't really have an Official Release of the Home finished product if the beta has been available to everyone for quite some time :p

It's like Google's gmail. Technically still a beta, but has been out for a few years now and has seen quite a few updates. I have a feeling Home is going to be exactly the same type of thing.

I'll give it a try, I'll play anything that's free. But I honestly don't have high hopes for it. I just don't understand why I'm supposed to do "that" (whatever "that" is) instead of actually play a game in my leisure time with my PS3. But who knows, it might be cool. I'll check it out.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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It is funny that people say they see no interest in Home when they are on a gaming website forums section. One of the many parts of Home is the eveloution of gaming forums. I spend a lot more time looking on IGN, 1up, VGchartz, and PSInext than I do gaming. With Home launching the time around here and on website is going to turn into time in Home.

In Home I can just go to the IGN or 1up section and check the news there. If I want to talk to the VG community I will just head to the VG club house. IMO the Internet is the greatest peice of software ever created, and Home is like going from 2d to 3d. Home will be my new internet from December 11, 2008 onward. I can go and get much of the same gaming info I need via boards in Home, and I can talk with someone or a group about it in a realtime conversation.

Just one quick question. If you think Home is a boring idea, what are you doing on the internet?

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Its great to see that it will finally be released tomorrow. Home is a huge software for Sony. I hope it gets some good figures. I thought this game would released in 2009. I am glad it will be available tommorow.


KBG29 said:
It is funny that people say they see no interest in Home when they are on a gaming website forums section. One of the many parts of Home is the eveloution of gaming forums. I spend a lot more time looking on IGN, 1up, VGchartz, and PSInext than I do gaming. With Home launching the time around here and on website is going to turn into time in Home.

In Home I can just go to the IGN or 1up section and check the news there. If I want to talk to the VG community I will just head to the VG club house. IMO the Internet is the greatest peice of software ever created, and Home is like going from 2d to 3d. Home will be my new internet from December 11, 2008 onward. I can go and get much of the same gaming info I need via boards in Home, and I can talk with someone or a group about it in a realtime conversation.

Just one quick question. If you think Home is a boring idea, what are you doing on the internet?



There is a considerable difference. The internet is utilitarian. I type something in, I get results, it's quick, it's effecient, it's easy. I can take two seconds to end up on VGchartz, browse around, read a few posts, type something in, and it's back to work.

Home is not a message board or a news website. It doesn't have the breadth, or scope of the actual internet. On my PC I don't have to have my character run into a room, and try to see what's going on past the guy doing the running man dance in my face. Home isn't utilitarian, if it was it would be a much more effecient model. One that doesn't involve building a living room, and paying money for a fake couch so I can have Rhubang and Halo gamer come over to argue about politics. IGN and 1up don't have home news hubs, and if they did what would be the benefit of using them over just clicking on my website bookmark and navigating their website that is designed for effeciency and ease of use? I can have my character walk over to a billboard and read it instead? And that's what it comes down to. You act as if the two are interchangeable, if I like browsing the internet why wouldn't I want to do it in home? The real question is, why would I? What is it bringing to the table other than creating a virtual space for me to navigate instead of just a navigation bar that is much faster and easier? Why would I want rooms instead of pages that are much faster loading, lower bandwith, and present information in a very easy to assimilate way? The internet isn't going to be HOME someday, because that would be a step backwards in ease, effeciency, cost, and in any other way.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

KBG29 said:
It is funny that people say they see no interest in Home when they are on a gaming website forums section. One of the many parts of Home is the eveloution of gaming forums. I spend a lot more time looking on IGN, 1up, VGchartz, and PSInext than I do gaming. With Home launching the time around here and on website is going to turn into time in Home.

In Home I can just go to the IGN or 1up section and check the news there. If I want to talk to the VG community I will just head to the VG club house. IMO the Internet is the greatest peice of software ever created, and Home is like going from 2d to 3d. Home will be my new internet from December 11, 2008 onward. I can go and get much of the same gaming info I need via boards in Home, and I can talk with someone or a group about it in a realtime conversation.

Just one quick question. If you think Home is a boring idea, what are you doing on the internet?

You are going to have one limited internet.  Not every forum or company is going to be big enough or have enough money and resources to sponsor a Home space.  If VGCharts can even afford a space, what's to say we can all go there and hangout?  We'd have to be in the same area on the globe, or have all VGCharts members as friends.  Plus, a realtime chat with the amount of members on forums would be chaos.  Nothing I would ever want involved in.  The only thing that makes forums seem organized is that it forces you to wait and type a response and keeps the conversation in an order of events layout, rather than blurt out at any time and have branching convos everywhere.  The internet is not a piece of software, it is a network of users worldwide.  Home is not converting the internet, it is creating a second life experience and unfortunately, there are no plans for IGN, 1up, or similar other spaces on Home.  You think every company is going to pay Sony and use their service to reach a paltry 5-10million people worldwide rather than TV or radio or other mediums that would reach billions more?


EDIT:  Sounds like me and vagabond are in agreement.

Home should absolutely NOT be a cash cow. (Those are called franchises. Different beast.)

It should be a public space, a 3D version of the XMB which allows gamers around the planet to hang out (we'll need on-the-fly translation software and other cross-cultural stuff, of course, but you have to start somewhere).

Ultimately, it will be what users make of it. So if Sony respects the creativity and intelligence of users, and uses its cash flow to bundle free services a la Google, it will succeed.

But if they fence it off with micropay, or launch Chimeran-style spire attacks of ads draining all human life from the vicinity, or run a constant copyright clearance crackdown derby, it turns into an expensive, substandard MMO which won't be able to compete with real MMOs.

LittleBigHome or World of Money-losing-craft: choose wisely, Sony.