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Home should absolutely NOT be a cash cow. (Those are called franchises. Different beast.)

It should be a public space, a 3D version of the XMB which allows gamers around the planet to hang out (we'll need on-the-fly translation software and other cross-cultural stuff, of course, but you have to start somewhere).

Ultimately, it will be what users make of it. So if Sony respects the creativity and intelligence of users, and uses its cash flow to bundle free services a la Google, it will succeed.

But if they fence it off with micropay, or launch Chimeran-style spire attacks of ads draining all human life from the vicinity, or run a constant copyright clearance crackdown derby, it turns into an expensive, substandard MMO which won't be able to compete with real MMOs.

LittleBigHome or World of Money-losing-craft: choose wisely, Sony.