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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN: Rock Band 2 hits Wii on December 22

^ Eh, I guess it's just more fuel for the Activision vs. Harmonix war. Silly multi-million dollar companies...!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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EA and Harmonix are such idiots. They are handing the Wii market over to Activision on a silver platter.

After Xmas I'll be counting down until the next time EA complains about their Wii games not selling.

FishyJoe said:
EA and Harmonix are such idiots. They are handing the Wii market over to Activision on a silver platter.

I want to know did EA honestly not think that a game based around messing around with friends while using expensive non-traditional controllers that are designed to better emulate an experience wouldn't sell on the Wii?

They seriously didn't see the potential sales there?

Hope it sells well.

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I will only buy this game if its fully compatible with the GH WT instruments. If its not, then its out of the question. I hope they used the time to be sure that they were compatible.

GH 3 & GH:WT instruments do work in RB2 for Wii.

Late and not gimped (RB2) >  late and gimped (RB1).

Character customizations, instrument compatibility, DLC, online mode.  Basically the PS3/360 versions with worse graphics.


That's big news. Why the hell did they wait so long to announce this? Whoever decided that RB2 would be released 3 days before Christmas should be fired.

FishyJoe said:
That's big news. Why the hell did they wait so long to announce this? Whoever decided that RB2 would be released 3 days before Christmas should be fired.

Just in time for Boxing Day?


...Yeah they should be fired

From my understanding, Rock Band 2 is fully compatible with Guitar Hero: World Tour instruments. This is a big way to get GHWT owners to get RB2. I find the method of unlocking things in WT to be less interesting than RB.. I like the concept of building up fanbases. It makes more sense. Paying to be at a gig doesn't make sense. I will rent RB2 to make sure the WT instruments are fully compatible