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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Help me decide console skin (not 56k friendly or child friendly either..)

Hey fellow Vgcharters! So after looking through the she would make a good xbox threadI decided I should skin my 360, it does look rather plain. So here are the skins I'm interested in

So what do you guys think? So far I'm leaning towards the Jessica Alba one (first one) becuase I like how it wraps around the box. However Scarlett Johannson is #1 on my hottest females list and the Carmen and Keira skins look good as well. Suggestions for any other skins are also welcome but try to stay in line with my tastes =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Scarlett Johansson, for sure.


Kiera no doubt. Carmen not bad either :)

Not child friendly??? Why isn't it? Babies love boobs! I mean they have them in their face everyday!

Anyway I say the first one, classy yet sexy!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Jessica Alba !! That woman is a goddess althou on those pictures Carmen ELectra and Scarlett are looking yummy, Keira is too skinny for your Xbox.

you can't go wrong with jessica alba!!!

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Do the Jessica Alba wrap around. Full 360 coverage of hotness.


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Do these come in PS3.....damn! Why does my GF play games with me?!!! :(

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2nd one for sure

Don't Worry.....Be Happy