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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How long do you like your games?

This seems to vary a bit from person to person. What made me make this thread, was Twesterm's post saying

"You people are crazy with your saying 10 hours is too short. You do realize that most people don't play games past 8-12 hours?"


Personally, I think the average play-time for me on my Wii, is ~ 40 hours a game. That is, of course, including several playthroughs.

I don't really buy games that are shorter than 20 hours for the main playthrough, but I play a bit slowly (note: I'm not bad - I "enjoy" the games :P) so games that are shorter than ~ 16-18 hours really.

I'd rather buy a good 35 hours long game than a very good 15 hour long game.


Anyway, how long do you like your games? What is your minimum and what do you prefer?

I'd also like to have a discussion rather than just listing things, but just listing is fine too.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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If the online has replay value then as little as 5 hours can be fine : ) if not then the longer the better in most circumstances.

I would say 10 - 20 hours but with all the trophies and unlockables I usually play the game 3 times so that triples the time I play them.

I like my games to be at least 10h. I love huge games especially games like Zelda, Metroid or Mario games. So I would say somewhere between 10 and 40h

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

The shorter the better, I never find the time to finish all my games.

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10 hours seems about fair to me for say a campaign, multiplayer, well , i still play virtua tennis 3 almost 18 months since its release.

The only time where I was upset because of a game's length was for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but when all was said and done, I clocked in 6.5 hours. I wasn't too happy about it, seeing as there was little incentive to even go back and do it again. With a length like that, I could have rented it for 5 bucks instead of purchasing it for 50.

A game can be short, but it needs to have a replayable element to it. Wario Land: Shake It! is a great example of this.

So I really don't have a preference, whether it's short and replayable or just plain long.

Unless there is some serious replayable online of something, 35+ Hours is how I like my games.

4 ≈ One

Smeags said:
The only time where I was upset because of a game's length was for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but when all was said and done, I clocked in 6.5 hours. I wasn't too happy about it, seeing as there was little incentive to even go back and do it again. With a length like that, I could have rented it for 5 bucks instead of purchasing it for 50.

A game can be short, but it needs to have a replayable element to it. Wario Land: Shake It! is a great example of this.

So I really don't have a preference, whether it's short and replayable or just plain long.

I have a preference there, I prefer plain long games. My problem with replayability, is that I have an insane memory when it comes to video games (it is actually the only field in which it is exceptional). I has been 8 or 9 years since the last time I played OoT. I played it again - remembered almost every single thing. I remembered the combinations the evil dekus told you for crying out loud :(

I can somehow walk from Hyrule castle to the kokiri city with my eyes closed - don't ask me how!

But if the game is long (aka, 30 hours +) my mind seems to rest with the fact that it can't rememeber everything and just stops off, not remembering a lot (well, still a lot).


Of course, I also love very replayable games (SSE is the first that comes to mind).


PS: I didn't really intend to put multiplayer games/online games into this discussion, so I won't talk about that.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

If it has a good online mode ala Cod4 I dont mind short singleplayer modes. If it has no online and great singleplayer ala Zelda and Uncharted I want that to last, so I wouldnt mind a 100hr Zelda.

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