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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom: The decision of MH3 Wii-exclusivity is not yet final yet

darthdevidem01 said:
If a PSP version is true this could prove to be very bad for the Wii.


Doubtful.  It doesn't sound like they would release at the same time or even make an announcement before the Wii one would release.  Not to mention hype has built up pretty high for MH3 on Wii.  I'm doubtful there is much anything could be done to stop that aside from anti marketing.

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if they don't then its all fine.....& good for wii.....I want it to get good support in Japan so 360 doesn't get all of it.

if they do....then really it isn't all fine as that userbase on PSP just won't be bothered to buy a wii when they can play it on PSP.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@ zleep. Considering the sales of ps3 games in Japan, i think it's safe to say it WON'T be coming to ps3.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

I think some people are jumping the gun a little

“the decision of Monster Hunter 3’s Wii-exclusivity is not yet final.”

1 It is not confirmed multiplat
2 Even if it does go multiplat, they haven't decided a platform, much less started any work on it
3 Therefore, the Wii version should have a long period of timed exclusivity. It will also be the best version, because if it goes on the PS360, it won't have much better graphics, and it'll have much worse controls

darthdevidem01 said:

if they don't then its all fine.....& good for wii.....I want it to get good support in Japan so 360 doesn't get all of it.

if they do....then really it isn't all fine as that userbase on PSP just won't be bothered to buy a wii when they can play it on PSP.


Well it's doubtful 360 would ever get this title.  Capcom isn't going to waste there time putting it on there.  I should say when I mean consoles, that PS3 and PS2 are the viable options. 

But it's hard to see it porting to PSP unless Monster Hunter Freedom 3 would be that "port".  If so then its more than likely but its doubtful Capcom would have them coincide.  If we even have the slightest thought that a PSP version could hurt Wii version sales, which is probably wouldn't, I'm sure they would know that too.

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not in that way.

I meant if MH3 sells tons on Wii....then 3rd Party publishers will put their JRPG's on wii not on 360 thanks to MS's money.

So then Iw ould get to play next Star Ocean, next Tales, next S-E RPG n so on..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

OK, everyone who overreacted, stop for a second :P

That means most of you

“the decision of Monster Hunter 3’s Wii-exclusivity is not yet final.”

1 It is not confirmed multiplat
2 Even if it does go multiplat, they haven't decided a platform, much less started any work on it
3 Therefore, the Wii version should have a long period of timed exclusivity. It will also be the best version, because if it goes on the PS360, it won't have much better graphics, and it'll have much worse controls

scottie said:
OK, everyone who overreacted, stop for a second :P

That means most of you

“the decision of Monster Hunter 3’s Wii-exclusivity is not yet final.”

1 It is not confirmed multiplat
2 Even if it does go multiplat, they haven't decided a platform, much less started any work on it
3 Therefore, the Wii version should have a long period of timed exclusivity. It will also be the best version, because if it goes on the PS360, it won't have much better graphics, and it'll have much worse controls


Of course its not confirmed.  Hell this source has to be one of the worst for even suggesting a rumored possibility.  No offense to whoever.

But still fun to speculate the possibilities.

My personal opinions si that MH3 will stay Wii exclusive.  From my understanding Nintendo may have played a part in getting this title over and if not they backed it media wise.  It's doubtful they'd even let it go in the first place.  It's also doubtful that Capcom would work on another version when this game has so much hype right now it would be hard for it not to do well.

outlawauron said:
Expect either a PS2 or PSP version!


This. Or both!

4 ≈ One

What Capcom series are single platform?

Street Fighter II was on Genesis and SNES
Resident Evil is Saturn/PS1/N64/DC/PS2/GC/Wii/360/PS3

Viewtiful Joe/PN03 went GC/PS2

Mega on every console/portable known to man. NES. SNES. PS1. PS2. WW/PSN/XBLA. GB, GBA, DS, PSP


Wii-PSP makes tons of sense in Japan, and outside Japan it doesn't really matter as its not a big game.

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When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu